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My eyes opened blearily as my alarm beeped rapidly. With a groan I sat up and shut it off, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I sighed as I saw the date on my phone, May twenty-fifth. Mine and Wilmer's anniversary. How had it gone so wrong in just two short years? We've been together for six years before this, and lived together for four of them. Last year we were drinking champagne under the Eiffel tower. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, and quickly got up, walking downstairs so I could busy myself. To my surprise, Wilmer was standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee.

"I thought you were working." I murmured, my voice cracking from the lack of use as I poured myself a mug.

He sighed, "I took off today."

I nodded, not really knowing what to say. Wilmer's hand touched my shoulder and I instantly set the coffee down, turning and curling into his chest, trying to hold back the my tears as he hugged me. Soon enough, I broke down into sobs as he brought me over to the couch and pulled me onto his lap, holding me while I cried.

"What happened to us Will?" I sobbed, and he shook his head.

"I don't know Hermosa, I don't know." I sighed as his arms tightened around me.

"Can we just please be normal today?" I whispered, "Forget about our issues jusr for today and be normal?"

Wilmer half-smiled, "Go upstairs and come back down so we can start over."

A huge smile came on my face as I sprinted up the stairs, then back down.

"Good morning." Wilmer chuckled as I yawned dramatically.

Suddenly, he yanked my waist to his and crashed our lips together. I nearly screamed out at the gesture. It was so intimate, and passionate, it was like all of the silence between us had never even happened. Wilmer finally pulled away for air and leaned our foreheads together.

"Normally I would've waited to kiss you like that until some grand moment, but in my defense it feels like it's been forever."

I smiled hugely and leaned up on my toes to kiss him again and again until he pulled away laughing.

"So what do you want to do today?"

I shrugged and pulled my body even closer to his, "I don't know. We can just sit around watching movies all day for all I care." I kissed him softly once more, "I just want more of this along the way."

Wilmer smiled, "Then let's do that, let's just watch movies. We'll go to the store and pick a bunch out, then we can lay around all day."

I nodded, biting my lip with a smiling. I knew exactly how to get Wilmer back.


"Demi?" I looked up, we were at the video store to buy movies and Wilmer was holding candy with a pout on his lips. With a roll of my eyes I kissed him, loving the fact that even if it were just for the day I could do it whenever I wanted.

"Fine." I groaned, and he smiled hugely.

"Hurry up and find your horror movies, i'm done."

I held up the disc in my hands, "Way ahead of you baby."

He examined the cover and groaned, "The devil's knot? Really?"

I nodded excitedly, "It's supposed to be the scariest movie of 2018!"

He sighed, "Isn't the girl supposed to be the one who's scared so the guy can hold her?"

I giggled and walked closer, sliding my hands inside his jacket to rub his sides, "Well you can still hold me and I'll pretend to be scared?"

He nodded sarcastically as I giggled, leaning up to kiss him again. I could feel my heart melting more and more at his touch, and I wanted to stay in this moment forever. I dreaded the day ending while we stood in line, Wilmer's arms around my waist as he softly kissed my temple every so often. As we walked out after paying, we were immediately hounded by flashes and a sea of paparazzi, someone had obviously tipped them off about our location. Since we hadn't been photographed together in a while, they were particularly determined, pressing closer to each other. One of my ankles caught around their feet and my knees hit the ground causing me to yelp in pain.

"STOP!" Wilmer's authoritative voice boomed out and all of the men around us froze as he helped me up and wrapped a protective arm around my waist. I hid my giddy, smiling face into his shoulder as we walked to the car.

My man.

I hope that you catch me, cause' i'm already falling.


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Twitter: @Lovatic_Chica


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