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        The event was fun, and Wilmer and I had amazing time. He was great as the lead role in the movie, and I couldn't of been more proud. I squeezed his hand tightly as a makeout scene between him and his love interest played across the screen, and he smiled, leaned down to kiss my temple. 

        Once the movie was over, we were hounded by screaming paparazzi as we waited for the driver to pull up. 

"Wilmer is it true that ou're cheating on Demi?!" 

Wilmer shot them a look of disgust as he ushered me into the car. Just as he shut the door a last comment slipped in. 

"I'd cheat on her too, what a fatass." 

I bit the inside of my lip hard, to keep from crying. 

"Demi." Wilmer murmured, and put his hand on my knee. 

I brushed it off and shook my head, "I'm fine." 

He moved to the middle seat, "You don't have to lie to me." 

I looked out the window, "I'm not lying Wilmer. I'm fine." 

He laced our fingers together, "Well if you find in a few minuted that you're not so fine, I'll be here for you." 

I bit my lip, "I appreciate it, but I'm okay." 

I wasn't okay. The fear of Wilmer cheating on me was a huge terror of mine. Eve though we were good again, I had no idea what had happened in the period of time that we weren't speaking. He could've cheated on me , he could've been having a full on affair. I just hope that I know him well enough not to believe either of those things are true. 

        We got home, and Wilmer followed me upstairs. We walked into the closet and I went straight to his dresser, pulling out a big t-shirt for me to wear. Wilmer pulled off his tie, then his belt, and I turned around, reaching for the zipper on the back of my dress. Wilmer's hands touched my neck and I shivered as his warm lips pressed against my shoulder as I let it fall off of me, leaving me in my bra and panties. 

"You're beautiful." He whispered against my skin. I tilted my head back against his shoulder, letting out a soft moan as he began to kiss me neck. 

Suddenly, the image of him doing this to another woman flooded my brain and I stepped away from him quickly, pulling his t-shirt over my head and taking my bra off underneath it. I couldn't look at him as I walked past him into the bathroom, washing my face and performing my nightly ritual of skin care. Then I took out my contacts and swapped them for my glasses, throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I looked into my eyes in the mirror, willing myself to somehow get my shit together. 

"You coming to bed?" Wilmer leaned against the doorframe, giving me a small smile. 

"Sure." I walked past him into the bedroom, and climbed onto the king size bed, wrapping my arms around a pillow as I laid on my side, facing the wall. 

Wilmer laid next to me, facing my back, "Can I get a kiss goodnight?" 

I bit my lip and turned over, leaning over to press my lips to his, smiling softly, "Goodnight." 

Wilmer kissed my forehead, "I love you." 

I felt the words catch in my throat, and I just nodded, turning over and closing my eyes, trying to go to sleep and stop my mind from over thinking. 

I laid there for at least an hour, staring at the wall. Finally, Wilmer's breathing evened out and I knew he was in a deep sleep. A few minutes later, he unconsciously reached for me in his sleep. I turned over on my stomach to look at him as he slung an arm over my back. 

"Wilmer." I whispered, and let my fingers swipe over his nose. I felt bad I was punishing him for something he didn't even do, and didn't want him to wake up in the morning thinking I was mad at him since he'd fallen asleep thinking I was. "Baby." I breathed, and put my face close to his, "Wake up." He stayed asleep. I leaned in and kissed him, trailing my tongue along with bottom lip, smiling against his lips when I felt him wake up underneath me. 

"What happened?" His voice was rough from sleep as he squinted up at me, "What's wrong?" 

I my bit my lip and looked down at my hands, "I decided I'm not really fine." 


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