Chapter 11: The Nightmare

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Verena's P.O.V.:

"Ugh. My head hurts." I rub my forehead and open my eyes, "Where am I?"

I awake to find myself in a white space. There is no sign of life anywhere. No doors. No windows. Nothing. Whatever this place is it cannot be good. I start to walk forward trying to find anything in here, but it seems like I'm not getting anywhere with the entire place looking the same. Why am I even here? Is this a trap? Have I been captured? What happened to the guys? I keep thinking of a bunch of questions until I see a giant brown door. It looked really old, almost like an antique door that I've seen on Earth a few times. I'm hesitant to open the door, not knowing what lies in wait for me behind it. It started to open by itself when I touch the handle; I look and see a flower in the center of the next room. Do I even dare? I have no choice and enter the room with the door shutting behind me.

This room is dark and the only sign of life was the flower. I kneel to pick it up, but suddenly a strong wind blew at me and made the petals on the flower fly away. The flower withered and died. What does this mean? I look up and see that I have been sent to a new location, a familiar location, Kennistar. I am home again. Everything had seemed normal until the army came charging down from a hill with their weapons drawn. Are we under attack? I turn around and see hundreds of Dark Benders charging at them while others burn the fields until they were chard. How dare they come to my home and do this. I draw Timaeus ready to fight, but it disappeared in my hands. Now what? The army shoots arrows and their blasters at the Dark Benders, protecting me. I try to use my telekinesis to push them back, but it didn't work; I try using my earth-bending, it didn't work either. None of my magic works. How is that possible? One Dark Bender came at me almost slicing my throat, but I dodge and kick him to the ground. More of them started to surround me, trying to stab me with their swords and axes; I dodge every attempt and hit them away from me. I get hit in the back of the head with a blaster and fall on my knees, looking up at the Dark Bender that's ready to shoot. Out of nowhere a sword comes out of his chest and bleeds to death; the person that killed him was Archimedes. I am so happy to see him.

"It is good to see you again, Your Majesty." Archimedes said with a relieved tone.

"I'm happy to see that you are safe," I said and had changed my mood, "but what is going on?"

"After we returned, I told your father what had happened and I'm guessing one of them heard everything and told Nathias. So he sent the Dark Bender army down here and attacked us." He stopped and killed one, slicing his head off. "Now that you are here we need to get you back to the palace."

"Agreed, but what about my family? Have you heard from them?" I ask.

"We tried to contact them and haven't had a response." He said and handed me two blasters and a sword, "Take these; you're going to need them."

I strap the sword on my back and held the blasters, "Let's go!" I yell and run.

"PROTECT THE PRINCESS!" Archimedes yells and the army yells back.

We run through the field and get to the market place. The Dark Benders start to shoot and we run through. I shoot the blasters, hitting each Dark Bender on our sides while Archimedes slashed the ones in front. Not long after we got to the palace doors and go inside. It was quiet and dark. We walk farther in and I see the horror before me; all the guards were dead. Their blood covered the floor and most of their body parts were scattered. Whatever killed them isn't a Kennistarian or even a Dark Bender; no, it looks like the work of some force. I heard something move in back of me and Archimedes and it hissed. It came darting out as a dark cloud. I wanted to get a look at it, but Archimedes pulled my arm and we ran. That thing is hot on our trail and we run to the throne room, shutting the doors. I look around and there are no signs of a struggle anywhere; Archimedes stood next to me and I can tell from his expression that he doesn't know where they are. There was a giant bang on the door that made us turn around, weapons ready. The second bang made the doors fall off and the room filled with a black fog. I can't see anything, but I heard a scream. The fog faded and next to me was Archimedes, dismembered on the floor. I kneel down and can't believe that he is gone.

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