Chapter 23: We Stand Together Part II

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Hello hello hello! Alright everyone I did my very best to add more action into the story because I felt like there wasn't enough to my liking. To be honest, I like a lot of action when reading scenes like this, but I rest my case. With that being said, I give you Part II of the big rescue scene. As always, I do not own TMNT, only my OCs. Enjoy:)

Chapter 23: We Stand Together Part II

Alistair's (King Ishtar) P.O.V.:

By the Gods can these boys pick a fight. Out of all the things to bring from Kennistar the Dark Benders choose a golem. I did not even consider them using such dangerous creatures here on Earth when they were searching for Verena. If the Dark Benders have this golem who knows what else lies in wait for us. For now all we can do is focus on what is going on in front; meaning this rock beast and the two brutes.

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?" Archimedes asked me in my ear.

In all honesty I am not sure what to do. We do not have that much time for this distraction and we must get to the other side of the room. My daughter has to be found and taken away from here immediately before the Blood Moon rises. It will be more difficult if the serpent is awakened and if that is the case, our chances for victory may be slim. And if we lose this fight then the entire planet will be lost in chaos, and that is something we cannot allow to happen. There must be way for us to get to Verena and pass these men, but it will be impossible with the golem at their side. Then again... maybe not. If all of us cannot fight it, then some of us will. At the very least some of us will continue downward. Let us hope this works.

I turn my eyes to Archimedes, "Prepare to fight."

"Yes sir." He said and stood in front of the soldiers.

I put a hand on Leonardo's shoulder and he faces me, "Leonardo, you and your brothers head to the elevator."

"But Mr. Ishtar we can't leave you all here." He whispered to me in a worried tone.

"And yet you must. The rest of us will take care of these three while you all go to Verena." I whisper back, but I can see he still is not convinced, "Believe me, Leonardo, this is the only way."

He shuts his eyes and takes it in for a moment until he nods in agreement, "Alright. We'll go."

Liza takes a couple steps to us, "I will go with you, Leonardo. With your permission, Father."

I lightly nod, "Very well. You should take your mother with you. After all she will be safer by your side."

"No, Alistair, I am staying here." My wife said sharply.


"I will not leave your side, Dear. That is my final word." She said and her final word is her final word.

I sigh in defeat, "Of course, Beloved."

"I shall stay as well." Splinter sensei said.

"Are you sure Master Splinter?" Donatello asked his father.

"Yes. My sons, be on your guard and more importantly be careful." He said to all four of them and they bow.

"When I give the signal all of you run to the elevator. We will catch up to you as soon as we can." I tell them and pull my sword to me.

The Dark Bender growled in frustration, "Enough of this waiting around," he turned to the golem, "destroy them!"

The golem stepped out to the front and punched its fists, ready for battle. It roared to us and began to charge in a fiery rage. I look to my father and we instantly think of the same idea. The both of us use our earth-bending to lift the earth from the ground and create a circular barrier to hold the creature in its place. Aurora opened her pouch on her belt and used her water-bending to freeze the other two before they had the chance to move. Good thing she was quick to act. Suddenly the barrier began to shake from the inside; the golem is trying to break through.

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