Chapter 16: Back Home

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Hello hello hello!!! Here is another chapter, and for this one I decided to tell it from another character's point of view, but you'll see it after this. Oh, and the song that Leo sings in the last chapter is called "Stars I Shall Find" from Victor C. Johnson; it's also a poem too so be sure to check it out because it is a beautiful song. With that said, I do not own TMNT, but I really really love them. Enjoy:)

The Sacred Palace, Kennistar

Liza's P.O.V.:

I sigh as I stare at a photograph of my beloved sister, "Oh, Verena, I do wish that you were here."

Being the oldest sister of the two of us has its good sides and its bad ones. The good things are you can teach a younger sibling new things, share secrets with each other, and having many adventures along the way. However, the bad thing about being the eldest is you grow up faster than the other. The times that were once spent together are now used for improving yourself and starting on a new journey, alone. Sometimes it can be for the better and sometimes it can be for the worse; I guess it depends on how you approach it. Not all of it has been bad though, I have a wonderful, loving husband named Archimedes Ishtar. When we met, it was love at first sight; he was a charming, strong, and loving man, and still is to this day. The day that we were wed he took on the Ishtar name due to him and his brother, Akiba, being orphans and were given no last name; he was crowned prince and commander of the royal guard. Since our seven years of marriage we've had two sons: Aragon and Bryce. The Ishtar family just keeps on getting bigger and of course, better with each new generation.

I look at the holographic clock and it appears that I have lost track of time. I brush my long, mahogany brown hair; fix my dark green dress and the pants that are attached to the entire outfit, and take off my bracers. The belt is at least easier to take off and I put on my knee high boots. Finally looking decent I head out of my room. The palace is still bright from the sun as the marble shines brightly, letting the white and gold show. Down the hall I hear two familiar voices coming in my direction; they were my sons, engaged in a game of tag. My oldest son, Aragon, had tapped Bryce on the back with his water-bending and they both stop.

"Tag, you're it!" Aragon exclaimed to his younger brother with a giant smile.

"That's not fair!" Bryce pouted and looked to me, "Momma, Momma!"

"What is it Bryce?" I ask him walking over to my sons.

"Aragon cheated!" He said pointing at him.

"No I didn't!" Aragon gave him a slightly mad look and put his arms straight down.

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"Boys, please." I stop their little argument and I look to my youngest son, "Now Bryce, how did Aragon cheat?"

"He used his water-bending to tag me." He explained.

"And is there a rule that says he cannot use it to tag you?" I ask them.

"No, Momma. We never said that so that's why I used it." Aragon said.

"Well if there isn't a rule then he can use it." I tell them.

"But Momma-" Bryce got upset.

"Hold on. Aragon, you must remember that your brother does not have any bending powers. It is not fair to him that you get to use it on him with your game, but just this once I will allow it, and after that you play fair." I tell the both of them, mostly Aragon.

"Yes! Bryce is it! Bryce is it!" He cheered and ran down the hall.

I giggled softly, but I look at my other son who is still sad, "What is wrong Bryce?"

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