Chapter 20: Torture

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Verena's P.O.V.:

Since being here in this horrible place, I have been tortured nonstop by the Dark Benders and the Foot. They have beaten me, drugged me, basically doing most of the types of torture methods that they can think of. With less than twenty-four hours left until the Blood Moon rises, they are all desperate on time. Time that will either work with or against my favor. Hopefully my family has received the distress signal and is here on Earth. And I pray that they are with the guys and Master Splinter, working together.

Honestly, I do not know how much longer I can keep this up. I feel extremely worn out. My body is sore and shaky from all they have done to me so far. I am not sure what else they can throw at me. I know no matter what happens, no matter how much they hurt me, I will not give up the essence. I will fight to my last breath just to keep it out of their hands, After all, it's the Ishtar way. We are fighters 'til the very end.

Anyway, I am alone in the room where they have imprisoned me, trying to regain some strength. The Dark Benders had just finished beating me with their metal staffs across my back and sides. I feel like a giant bruise. Even hanging from these chains makes it worse, not being able to relax my body. I see the door open from across the room and a thin figure appears. It walks into the light and the first thing that I notice were green eyes.

My body tensed up, "What do you want, Karai?"

She walks to me, "I simply came in here to persuade you into giving up the essence."

I roll my eyes, "You? Persuade me? I don't think so."

"Are you always this stubborn?" Karai asked getting annoyed.

"Only to certain people, but enough about me." I tell her, "I want to ask you something, if you don't mind."

She looked at me closely and gave in, "Fine. Ask your question."

"Why do you serve the Shredder?" I ask her in a serious tone.

Karai's gaze went from me to her hands, "I serve my master because he is my father. I am honor bound to fulfill what he asks of me."

"You say that you have honor for him, but if you serve for someone like the Shredder then you have no honor."

She looked up to me, "You are wrong."

"Am I?" I said being calm, "Look, Karai, I know you love him as your father; I can see it in your eyes. You have great respect for him. But... I don't think you are aware of what he has done. Ch'rell has killed many innocent lives in different planets, caused worlds to go to war with each other, how can you respect someone like that?"

"You may see him that way, but I know the different side of him that many do not see. I respect him because he took me in when no one else would."

"Which is a good reason, but if you really do love him Karai, you would stop him for making a terrible mistake." I tell her.

"Would you stand against your father? Even if you knew all the things that he has done were wrong?" Karai asked me.

I got mad, "First of all, this isn't about my father okay, it's about yours. Second, my father is a loving and honorable man, while yours is nothing more than a cold-blooded murderer."

She pulled out her katana and aimed it at my throat, "How dare you speak about my father this way!"

"I speak the truth, Karai, and deep down in your mind you know it too." I said looking at her, "Listen to me, if you do not stop your father from doing this then his fate will be sealed."

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