Chapter 2

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"Okay, Onika. Have fun and be good. I love you." My mother says, putting both hands on  my cheeks.

"Yes ma'am. I love you too."

"Bye Onika, have fun." My father smiles.

"Yes, sir. Bye."

I hugged my father and Aubrey took my hand. "I'll take care of her, sir. Let's go Onika."

He helped me up the steps on his private jet. Did I mention he's a billionaire? Not like 2 billion. I'm talking 8 billion dollars. My husband is worth 8 billion dollars.. That's...more than Beyonce'..

I sat in one of the seats next to Aubrey. Safaree was on the other side of the jet, on his phone. I know, it's weird. It's just a tradition in his family that all the siblings go on the honeymoon with the bride and groom. It could be worse, though, because he only has one sibling and I have none.

"Safaree put on your seat belt." Aubrey told his little brother. Safaree looked up at him. "No."

"It's the rule Safaree-"

"So? Tell your wife to put on her seat belt." He looked at me. "No! don't tell my wife what to do."

"Why not? Everybody else does." Safaree says. "Excuse me." I got up and went to the bathroom, locking myself in there. "See what you did? Dumb ass." I hear Aubrey. There was a knock at the door and I opened it. It was Aubrey. "I'm sorry about him.." He says. "It's okay."

"No it's not. He's just..stubborn. He'll ease up when he gets to know you more."

I nodded. He hugged me and I hugged back. "It's okay. I love you." He says. "I love you too, Aubrey."

We went back into the main part of the jet. Safaree looked at me and I looked away. I was mad at him.


"Oh my god.. this place is beautiful." I smiled as we got off the plane. "Isn't it?" Aubrey says. Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas. It's so gorgeous here...and really hot. A man pulled up in a golf cart. "Welcome to the Bahamas, Mr. Graham. I am at your service." 

"This is my wife, Onika."I shook the mans hand and he greeted me. "Take us to where we will be staying for the week." Aubrey says.


Safaree helped me get into the golf cart, and he got in beside me, in the middle. Safaree got in on the other side. "Safaree it's too tight up here, get in the back." Aubrey shoots his eyes at Safaree. "No man. It's literally a 5 second drive. I'm not moving."

I kind of like his stubbornness. "Safaree get to the back. Now."

Safaree sighed and got in the back. The man took us to our beach house. It's HUGE. "Woah.." I looked around. I counted 3 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a laundry room, a basement, a balcony, a roof garden, a TV room, a Jacuzzi room...everything you could think of. I don't come from a very rich family, which is one of the reasons I had to marry Aubrey, so I'm not used to all of this. 

"Onika, get dressed, we're going to lunch at a local restaurant."

I walked into Aubrey and I's bedroom and into the closet. "What the..." my eyes lit up at all the glamorous clothes in here. I picked out a yellow tank top with some denim shorts. You don't understand how hot it is here..and I'm tried of wearing dresses all the time like my mother makes me.

I walked out of the bedroom and Aubrey was waiting for me. "Onika, go change. You don't look appropriate." Aubrey says. "She looks fine. She can wear whatever she wants. Come on, we're late." Safaree says. "Safaree!" Aubrey yells. "What?"

"Whatever. Let's go." Aubrey grabbed my hand and we left. 

We walked along the beach to the little restaurant. Aubrey opened the door for me and I walked in. "Thank you." I said quietly. 

 The waitress walked over to our table, asking us if we wanted something to drink. "We'll all have water." Aubrey says.

"Onika, did you sleep okay last night?" Aubrey asks. "Yes."

"I wish you were with me, though.."

"Aubrey I'm right here. Ya'll can do that crap tonight as long as I don't hear." Safaree huffed.

"Safaree shut up." Aubrey says, then turned to me. "Are you excited for tomarrow?"  He asks. "What are we gonna do?"

"That's a surprise."


Aubrey fell asleep early, and I didn't want to be in the room alone. I got up and walked to Safaree's room, lightly knocking on the door. "Hey..You need anything?"

"Aubrey fell asleep..I just...wanted to talk to you."

We let me in and jumped on the bed. I stood there and he told me to sit, so I did. "Why don't you talk much?"

"I've only known Aubrey for a month."

"You didn't want  to marry him, did you?"

I shook my head. "No..not really."

"Why does Aubrey tell you what to do all the time?" I changed the subject.

"Because I'm his little brother..that's how it works." He sighs. "Why don't you just move out? You're worth like a zillion bucks."

"Aubrey is worth a zillion bucks..not me."

We talked to each other for hours, never running out of things to say. By 2 AM, I was laying down with him watching TV.

"What about me?" He asks. "What about you?"

"What do you think about me?"

"I like you, Safaree. A lot more than Aubrey, honestly. But it's too late to do anything about it now."


"I married your brother." I held out my shiny ring. "Half brother. It doesn't even count." He got closer to me. "I love you Onika." He whispers.

"Safaree we can't. I'm married."

"Don't remind me." He kissed me softly. I didn't care how bad this was, it felt so good. So I kissed back. 

He began undressing me, and himself. I watched him rub his hands down my body. I got nervous, because I'm a virgin, and I could tell he wasn't. He looked up at me. "You've never done this before, huh?"

I shook my head. "Just relax. I'll be gentle.."

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