Chapter 3

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I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I opened my eyes quickly. I was laying on Safaree's chest. "Safaree! Let me in! Have you seen Onika? She wasn't in bed this morning and I can't find her." It was Aubrey. I shook Safaree quickly.

"Good-" I covered his mouth. I pointed to the door. "Safaree!! I'm about to come in there! I can't find Onika!" 

I got up and put on some type of clothes in case this goes wrong. Safaree scrambled around for his clothes, and ran to the door. I limped to the bed and got under it so Aubrey wouldn't see me.

"What?" He answered. Aubrey was complete mess. "It smells like sex in here...Anyway I can't find Onika! Help me!"

"No, man. She's probably just out on the beach or something."

He ran and Safaree closed the door. "You can come out now." 

I rolled out from under the bed. We both got fully dressed. I came back into his room and we stripped the sheets on the bed. I put them in the washing machine downstairs. They bad blood on them from last night, when Safaree took my virginity. We ran around the gigantic room spraying ferbreeze, making sure we didn't miss any corners. "Now it smells like.. sex with a hint of mixed berry." Safaree sighs, and I laughed. 

We sat down and I smiled at him. "What?"

"Nothing." I looked away. I heard the door open from downstairs. I got up from the bed and limped into Aubrey and I's room. My legs are KILLING me. I got in the bed and pretended to be asleep. "Onika where have you been? I was searching all over the island for you!"

"I've been right here.."

"Oh well, I'm glad you're safe." He says. I sat up and hugged him. He kissed me. "Hey, today we're going to the beach!"

I smiled. "That sounds fun." 


Aubrey and I walked along the beach together. My legs still hurt, but not as much anymore. The waves crashed on my feet, and we looked at the little kids playing and making sandcastles. "I can't wait to have kids." He looked at me, and squeezed my hand. "I...I can't wait either." I looked away. "What's wrong?"


"I'm gonna go get us something to eat, okay? You stay here."

I watched him walk away. I felt Safaree grab my hand. "He's finally gone. Come on." He pulled me into the ocean and pushed me. I fell into the water and held my breath. I got out and chased him. We ran all the way to this big mountain thing, and he jumped off the cliff into the water. "Safaree!" I screamed, terrified. "Calm down! It's called cliff diving!! Now you try!" He yelled from the water below me. It was really high up, and I'm scared of heights. 

"Don't be scared! I'll be right here to catch you!" 

"Okay...I'm coming!" I backed up and ran..then jumped. I scramed. Once I hit the water, I plugged my nose and closed my mouth. I swam back to the surface. As soon as I felt Safaree's hands hold my waist, I felt safe again. "That was fun! Let's do it again!" I smiled. I got on his back and he swam back to the rock. We climbed up to were we were. He held my hand and looked at me. "When we get to the bottom, open your eyes."


"Just do it. 1...2...3..." We ran and jumped, our fingers still intertwined when we hit the water. I didn't let go of him, and I opened my eyes. There were fish all around us, and colorful coral below us. I looked at him and he smiled. He pointed behind me. I turned around, and 2 sharks approached us. 

I let almost all of my air out and started swimming up to the top. He pulled me back down. "It's okay." He mouthed, as the sharks passed us. We both swam back and sat on the rocks. "Aubrey will be back any minute." I say. I sat on my head on his shoulder. "Oh well. He won't find us here. He's too much of a pussy to come down here."

I smiled. "I think I married the wrong brother." I say. "I think you're right."

"Do you think we should be doing this? What if he finds out?" I ask. 

"Then we won't have to hide it.."

"I'm scared.." I whisper. "It's okay. You shouldn't have to hide your feelings."

"If I don't then I get myself in trouble. I learned that the hard way...I wish I was more open with others..I just don't want to go back to that place where I'm always in some type of trouble, you know?" I felt the sea breeze on my skin, giving me goosebumps. "Yea. I know what the feels like. But I like you just the way you are, Onika. You're perfect."

 "Why didn't my parents make me marry you?"

"I'm not as rich as my brother.."

"I don't care about that."

"Well...Aubrey doesn't care about anything. He doesn't care about me, or you. All he cares about is his money."

"Onika! There you are!" I turned around and Aubrey was walking toward me with 2 trays of food. "Why are you both so wet?" He asks. "We went for a swim."

"In the ocean?"

"Where else?" Safaree says. We walked to the cafe and sat down at a table outside. "Onika, is Safaree bothering you?" Aubrey asks, taking a bite of his fry. "No." 

"Are you sure?"

"She's sure." Safaree says. "I wasn't talking to you." Aubrey sneers, turning back to me. "Yes. I'm sure." I smiled a little. Safaree looked at me and licked his lips. I looked down and blushed. I can't believe he's doing this right in front of Aubrey.

"Safaree just leave her alone. When are you leaving?"

"Fuck you." He got up. "You're rude as fuck to your own brother and wonder why nobody fuckin likes you. Not even your wife likes you." Safaree looked at me and ran away into the beach house. I looked at Aubrey. "I-"

"It's fine. I'll see you at dinner." He got up and started walking away.


"I said I'll see you at dinner."


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