Chapter 5

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Aubrey and I were in the middle of our date, and it was going great. His phone started ringing. "It's work.. I gotta take this." He got up and walked to the other side of the restaurant. I tried to listen over the loud conversation around me. I couldn't make out his words, but I watched his body language. He looked mad, and he shook his head a lot. He hung up and looked at his phone. 

He started walking back, and I asked him what was wrong. "Um...I need to go to work for the rest of the week."

"What?" I groaned.

"Well, I have work here. I'll be here in the morning and I'll get back late at night. I'm sorry Nicki."

"'s fine.." I cleared my throat. "Can we go?" I ask, irritated. "Yea. Let's go."

He paid the bill and we went back to the beach house. Aubrey told Safaree about the work thing, and he got mad. "Why? This is your honeymoon, man!" Safaree yelled. 

"I have no choice!" He yelled back. I knew that Safaree was happy on the inside because we would have more time together.

Today is Wednesday, so we have 4 more days left. Oh great...after this, I have to move in with Aubrey. But, Aubrey works ALL the time, so I think Safaree could get away with spending the night every now and then...

I got up from the couch and went upstairs. 


I woke up, and Aubrey was already gone to work. Safaree walked in and sat down on the bed by me.

"Why do you wear makeup?" He asks. "Good morning." I say. "So, seriously, why?"

"I don't know..I like it."

"You look good without it."

"Yea, but I look better with it."

"I agree to disagree, Onika." He smiles. "I won't wear makeup today."

"Good. So,do you wanna go cliff diving? Or somewhere new?" He asks. "Somewhere new." I smiled. "Okay, get ready."

He pulled me up and brought me into the bathroom. "Meet me on the dock at 12 sharp." He pecked my lips and walked out. I watched him, and giggled to myself. 

(11:59 AM)

I checked my phone every minute. As soon as it turned to 12:01 PM, I saw Safaree walk around the corner. "You were early." He points out.

"You're late."

"Come on." He took my hand and took me to the edge of the dock. "You see that?" He pointed to a helicopter hovering in the sky. "We're flying that today."

"Wait, what?" I looked at him. "You mean riding?"

"No, I'm flying it."

"You know how to fly a helicopter?" I ask. "My brother's a billionaire, of course I do. Let's go." I smiled and he took my hand. I stepped back. The helicopter landed in front of us. The intensity of the wind was so bad, I had to hold my hair down. 

The propellers stopped and a old man, about 65, got out of it. "Okay, Mr. Aubrey Graham. It's all yours." He handed Safaree the key.

Safaree helped my up into the passenger seat. "Why did he call you Aubrey?" I ask. "Oh yea...We're not actually supposed to be in this thing. It's my brothers." He ran around to the other side and got in.

"Safaree." I scolded. "We won't get in trouble, I promise. Unless your husband finds out." He smiled at me. "Okay... let's see.." He looked at all the controls. He turned a switch, and and the propellers started spinning above us. "Put these's on!" He yelled over the loud sound, and handed me some headphone things. I put them over my ears, and he put some on, too. 

The next thing I know, we were in the air. I looked down and gulped. I shut my eyes tightly, and took a deep breath. Safaree laughed at me and took my hand. "We're alright." I heard his voice through the headphones.

 "Look." He says. I looked out of the window and saw that we were over the ocean. I closed my eyes again. He went back over the island to calm me down. "Is that Aubrey's car?"

"What? Where?" He looked around. "Right there in the white Maybach." I pointed. "Shit.."

He landed the helicopter on the landing pad where we began. "Come on. Hurry." We unbuckled ourselves and took off our headphones. Helped me out and we ran to the back of the beach house just as Aubrey pulled up. "Shit, shit, shit. What the fuck are we supposed to do now? I told him we wouldn't leave the house and look what we did. We took his helicopter around the whole damn island. Why is he back so early anyway?" He rubbed his forehead. 

I looked up and spotted an open window. "Safaree." I pointed at it. "You lift me up there and I'll let you in through the front after I distract him."

"Okay you're a genius. Here." He knelt down and held his hands out. I put my right foot in his hand and he lifted me up. I reached for the window. Once I hand both my hands on it, I pulled myself up with all I had. I landed on Aubrey and I's bed. "What are you doing?" He walked in. "I was waiting for you." I smiled. "Oh." He smiled back. I stood up and hugged him. He kissed me. "I'll be right back." I sarted to walk out, so I could let Safaree in.

"No. Stay here." 

So I did. 


I waited outside for Onika, but she still didn't come. 10 minutes past, then 20. Finally, the door opened and Onika waved me in. "What took you so long?" I whispered. "Sorry."

Aubrey came downstairs and stopped. He saw me with his helicopter keys and I froze. "I get it." He says.

"Hold on." He pulled out his phone, and dialed a number.

"Hello? Jeff?"

"No, I actually DIDN'T go on a helicopter trip today. Okay, thanks. Bye." He hung up and looked at me. "Are you crazy? You could've crashed or something! You know..something weird is going on with you two!" He looked at Onika and back at me. 

"Um.." Onika started. Aubrey back handed her and told her to shut the fuck up. Onika held her nose as blood dripped onto the white rug. "Aubrey!" I yelled. Onika looked around and went upstairs, calmly, her nose still dripping with blood. I walked past Aubrey. I went into the kitchen and got some paper towels and an ice pack. 

I ran upstairs and went into my room. I knew she would be in there. I sat down next to her on my bed. She had her eyes closed, and she was crying. I moved her hand away from her nose, and she opened her eyes. I wiped the blood from her nose and she watched me. She looked helpless. Like she knew she should do something, but she just couldn't. 

I put the ice pack on her nose and she held it. "I'm so sorry...this is all my fault." I say quietly. She hugged me and I hugged back. "I love you." She says. "I love you too."


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Im on spring break yassss

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