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Y/n POV:

"yes mom, I wil take care of anything, yes i wil, i wil." byeee bye!"

My parents are going to South Africa for some weeks, my mom got overworked and fell in a burnout, so my dad decided she needs to get better in a different environment, he's a therapist, so I guess hes right.

I'm gonna stay at home and take care of the house. The only point is that there way to stressed, even though I'm 19 It took them two hours to tell me what to do, cause they want to be sure everything wil be alright and me to be save.

My parents close the door and I take some milka chocolate and cola. I sit down on the couch and turn on Netflix. I start watching the second season of girl from nowhere, Nanno, the main character, who's a psychopath, is really interesting to me, I wish I could solve problems like that.

I watch a few episodes of the series, I'm thirsty for some more cola so I get up to the kitchen for another glass. I get the bottle and pour some more in. I hear sounds from outside but I dont mind it much, its probably the neighbours or something. Than I hear unfamiliar voices.

?: "Cant you be a little more quit idiot?"

?: "Dont be so mad, just get in the house!"

Wait... Do they mean our house..? I start panicking cause I hear a door opening. My thoughts go wild, in what takes like a sec I remember a lady talking abt the fight, flight or freeze response, and that most survivors are people who choose flight. I decide to choose that option and run upstairs to my parents room to hide, I open the door of the closet, its pretty stuffed with clothes but I can manage to fit myself in.

I hear a door creaking, I start breathing heavily and cover my mouth. Footsteps can be heard walking through the living room.

?: "Stay outside!" "I get the stuff!"

The footsteps are now on the stairs, I hear them slowly, the door of my room opens. I hear the voice of a woman whispering to herself, but its not loud enough for me to understand it well. I'm scared to move, but I think I'm shaking this hard the closet could shake with me. Drawers get opened and I hear jewellery getting taken. The robber gets some more of my parents stuff and puts it in a bag. I hear her turn around and walk to the closet I'm in. My heart starts to pound in my throat, and I curl up even more.

The footsteps come closer to me and the door of the opens.

The robber girl looks at me surprised, I notice a small sparkle in her eyes. "hello baby, why are you hiding?" She laughs. I dont say anything, my body freezes.

I see her taking an knife out her bag. Its not to big but big enough to hurt me good, she comes closer to me and shows me the knife, I look at her with scared eyes, and feel tears coming out my eyes.

The girl: "Shh.. shh, tell me what you think beautiful, isn't this such a gorgeous piece of metal? What about I show you it from up close? Or even better.. make you feel it.'

My body trembles, I push myself up from the back of the closet and kick her lower leg with force, she swears loud and grabs her leg. I run out my parents room and jump of the stairs.

?: "u filthy bitch..''

I get my keys out of my pocket and try to open the door. I hear the girl running down.

?: "dare to run away huh. U little shit."

I ignore her, the door finally opens and I run outside.

I start running fast but hit my head, I bump into a boy with ginger hair thats waiting outside. I stand up and wanna run further, but the boy grabs both of my arms and doesn't let go.

"LET ME GO!" "PLEASE!" I beg him.

The girl comes outside. I try to pull my arms from his grip but he doesn't let go.

The girl: "Well wel, I didn't expect you to be that fast." "But luckily we have my brother, thanks for getting her Finneas. "

She grabs the knife again and comes closer to me. I start to scream, but my voice gets muffled by Finneas covering my mouth. I feel the cold metal on my throat.

The girl: "..I think I take this one home"

Before I know it she gets a syringe and presses it in my arm. My body starts shaking and my vision starts to blur, I feel myself falling to the ground.

Billie POV:

Finneas takes the girl and puts her in our car. I tie her hands and legs and lay her down on the backseats.

Finneas: "Why dont you just kill her like the others?"

"she's pretty, and she dared to stomp me when she saw the knife, wich makes her different from the usual victims."

I get in the car and sits next to the girl in the backseats. I lift her head up and lay her on my lap, I take a good look at her, and run my fingers through her hair. Finneas starts the car and drives away.

We drive for half an hour and I see that the girl starts to move a little. She slowly opens her eyes.

Y/N: "what, what happened I-."

I see her freezing again, and she try's to get the ropes of her hands.

I grab her shoulders and look into her eyes. I hit her face.

Y/N: "OUCH! Why-!"

"Dont try to escape pretty, I know how to make knots."

Y/N nods careful and starts to cry.

Finneas: "we arrived Billie, lets get her inside."

He parks the car and I carry the shaking girl out the car, in the house. Me and Finneas walk into the living room, and I throw her on the couch, her hands and legs stil tied.

Y/N: "Please let me go.. I promise I did nothing wrong.."

I look at her, "Let me think about it.. hmm.. what about no? and stop crying please, your face gets all puffy."

There are still coming tears out of her eyes, but she doesnt make a sound anymore.

"such a good girl"

I look at her, she looks so cute, her hair, her outfit, her eyes. Just everything. I don't see these kind of girls often.

Finneas: "I put the stuff in the garage, okay?"

"Yea alright, see ya soon."

I look at the girl again, she looks scared, but beautiful. I give her a small kiss on her forehead.


I get mad, I only tried showing her that I don't have the worst intentions with her, she better doesn't talk to me like that. I get the syringe again and press it in her arm, I get the other half of the drug in. She stops moving and falls back on the couch.

I pick her up and take her to my bedroom. I lay her down on my bed, and decide to see my brother.

Finneas: "And?" "Did she already said something?"

"She's rude to me, I gave her a syringe again and she is in my bedroom now."

Finneas: "okay. but I don't want you to get attached or anything like this to her though, I don't even know why u took her in the first place, please get rid of her fast."

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