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Billie POV

I notice Y/N got kinda tierd, I take her to my bedroom and we make ready to go to sleep, she looks shy and scared around me. I feel a bit of regret on the way I threated her today. I will do better from now on.

Y/N: "do I have to sleep in these clothes.. Billie?"

"no, I got this pyjama for you."

Its a cute pyjama dress, with little flowers on it. I turn around so she can change her clothes. I wait a little, to be honest I would like to take a small peak, but I do have enough selfrespect to not.

Y/N: "done."

I start undressing to change in my pyjama to, Y/N holds her head down, I take my pants down and I see a small blush on her cheeks, she quickly turns around.

We get in my bed and I take her hand.

"I know that your scared of me, I know that. But if you will do good, I will threat you good, I wont hurt you if its not nescessary and I want you to be comfortable with me, okay?

Y/N looks into my eyes and slowly nods her head, the small blush still on her cheeks.

"words please"

Y/N: yes.. thankyou."

I turn the light off and get in bed with her, she turns around and closes her eyes before I can say anything. She's shaking a little, its February and pretty cold. I lightly take her shoulder and turn her around facing me, she sidders a little.

"I promise I wont hurt you, I want you to sleep well, so is it okay if we cuddle up a little?"

I hear a quiet yes coming out of her mouth and she lays her head on my chest, I hold my arm around her and pet her head softly .

I wisper in her ear: "goodnight sweety, and please forgive me, and just forget about the first rule.."

Y/N: "Mhm.."

She closes her eyes and falls asleep.


Next morning

I wake up, I open my eyes and realize im not in my room. I start panicking, Billie wakes up and tries to calm me down. It becomes harder to breath.

Billie: "Its okay baby, I dont hurt you, promise, relax please."

I calm down a little, but im stil scared.

I get up from her chest, not sure why I snuggled with her last night, she's a creep. "Can I get some clothes?" I ask sternly.

Billie turns to look at me and greets me with a death stare, "why are u being so rude huh? Remember I can do what I want to you, and I wont hold back if u act like this. Do I have to repeat yesterdays words? Threat me well and u will be threated well."

I just look away, not wanting to answer her.

Billie opens her closet. She gives me a blue oversized t-shirt and some grey joggers.

Billie: "Dress up."

I dress up and Billie grabs my hand. She walks downstairs with me, Finneas is making pancakes. He gets some on a plate for me and puts sirup, little strawberry's and blueberry on it. Billie gets the plate and gives it to me. "Eat some please" I nod my head and start eating. When im finished Billie takes me to the couch.

Billie: "I want to take you to the mall, since you'll stay by me for I don't know how long I want you to have some proper clothes and stuff. If you try to get away you wil be punished and thats not gonna be fun. Do you understand that? Say it."

"Yes I understand."

Billie: "good, lets go then."

An half hour later we are on the road. Finneas wanted to stay home. We arrive at a big shopping center and Billie gets out the car. She opens the door for me and grabs my hand tightly. She walks in and asks to which store I wanna go.

"I like H&M, or Berskha." I say carefully.

Billie: "Okay, come with me."

We walk into the H&M and Billie give me some clothes. "What is your size?" She asks. "My size is (your size)."

"Okay good" She gets some jeans, joggers, a hoodie and some long sleeves that I like and walks to a fit room with me. She waits outside while I get them on to show her and Billie likes it, we go to the chekout and Billie takes her card to pay.

The cashier: "Thats 147,00."

Billie lets go of my hand to pay, and I realize this is my only chance. I turn around and start running out of the store.


The cashier looks at Billie suprised.

Billie: I mean-

She throws money on the counter and grabs the bags. She starts running after me.

Im already so tierd of running since I got the stamina of a panda but Im not gonna stop now, Billie is fast, but I am faster. Im already out the shopping center and I keep running. I open my mouth to scream for help, but instead my face smacked on the ground, I fell. I grab my head and feel blood coming out, I try to scream for help but my eyes get blurry, I get dizzy and sink away.

Billie runs up to me and pins me on the ground. She sees my head bleeding and lets go. I stop moving.

Billie POV:

Shit! Shit! Shit! Why did that asshole had to run away? I take her of the ground and carry her to my car. There is a first aid kid in my dragon so I get it out and get some bandage out of it. I wrap the bandage around the bleeding spot. Y/N opens her eyes. I see tears falling down.

Y/N"I-Im sorry okay"

I give her a slap in her face. I scared myself, why did I hit her? she is injured. Y/N looks at me with red puffed eyes and starts crying harder. Than she passes out again.

I sigh, I put her in the seat and quickly put the seat belt on her. I drive home.

"Finneas! I need your help!"

Finneas runs up to me. "What happened?"

"This dumbass tried to escape, she slipped and her head is bleeding. I got a bandage on the bleeding spot but she already passed out."

Finneas: "..I wil check her. Don't take her out the house again."


I carry Y/N to the couch and let Finneas check on her.

Finneas: "She fell hard, but I think she passed out of the pain and fear, not of brain damage. You have to leave her alone for some hours and when she wakes up, you can talk with her and ask me for help if you need it."

"alright fine."

I get out the room and leave Y/N alone for some hours.


Some hours later

Y/N yells my name. I run up to the stairs, and open the door of the room where she is laying in.


I open my eyes slowly. My head hurts, and I get dizzy. I remember what happened. FUCK ME. If I didn't fall I would've escaped. I would go home again! Why did I slipped, wtf is wrong with me?

My head starts to hurt really bad, I dont know what to do so I yell Billies name.

I hear Billie running on the stairs and she opens my door.

Billie: "GOD, your awake! How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts really bad..."

Billie: "Yes i get that, you fell really hard. It wouldn't happen if you didn't try to fucking escape!"

"I'm sorry Billie.."

Billie: "Its okay for now, but when you have recovered you wil get punished for this."

I slowly nod, to weak to respond, Billie takes me in her arms and holds me.

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