It's a small world......I'm going to kill that song!!!!

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Meghan's P.O.V

That stupid song is permanently stuck into my brain it's such an annoying song!! I can't believe I let Zayn do this the line was super long,and he wasn't going to leave now. We were almost there but still the song was still annoying i've heard it a million time's now in this one little trip.

"Annoying isn't it?"Harry asked.

"Yes,but look at how happy he is."I said gesturing toward's Zayn.

Zayn's eye's were bright and he was jumping up and down in joy seriously this guy need's a better nickname like "big softy" not "Bradford bad boy" I know they were just joking around but still.

"He is happy,but this isn't good for his Bradford bad boy rep."Harry said.

"I know right?"I said.

He was thinking the same thing. I mean it was obvious but still it was kind of weird.

30 lonnnnnnggggg mintue's laterrrrr

We were finally the next in line it took an hour but now it was worth it we were finally going on this ride and I wouldn't have to hear that song once this ride was over this was going to be fun. I just want to get it over with.

"Yes!!!"Zayn yelled.

The boat thing had arrived and I hopped into it with the other boy's they said this whole thing about keeping you're hand's and stuff in the boat at all time's just the Disneyland procedure. Then we finally took off into this tunnel thing and that stupid song came on again. But this ride was going to be over quick right?

10 of the longest minute's ever!!!!!! passed by...........

"That was soo much fun,thank's Meghan!!"Zayn yelled and then hugged me.

I was caught by surprise but just hugged him back. He ran off happy. He was one confusing dude. The ride wasn't that bad it was actually cute,and I saw lilo and stitch but anyway it was actually a good ride if it wasn't for that stupid song permanently stuck in my head.

"Longest ten minute's of my life."I said.

Harry heard me and he laughed and then we walked on,next was Harry's turn to pick a ride. I wonder what he want's to ride. I'll just go ask him.

"Hey what do you want to ride harry?"I asked.

"I don't know,what would you like to ride?"He asked.

"I don't know,I've heard about one other one,space mountain it just seem's fun and it's another roller coaster so it seem's fun."I said.

"Ok."He said.

Then we went and caught up with the boy's they were looking at a store.

"Hey guy's."I said.

"Hey,Meghan and Harry."They said.

"I want to go on space mountain."Harry said.

I was shocked he did that for me didn't he? Does he like me? Has he alway's liked me? Why would he ask me what I wanted to ride? Ugh he is so confusing. Why can't boy's just say what they feel? I am very confused at all the boy's and just everyone!!!!!

"Ok,let's go."Liam said.

I shook it off,it was probably nothing I don't know why i'm getting so worked up about this. So we were off to another roller coaster yay. This was going to be real fun,I like the rollercoaster's now and this is going to be so awesome.

So we walked off to the roller coaster,Liam whined on how he wanted to go on the buzz light year ride but we just told him that he would have his turn once Louis and Niall were done picking out ride's he whined a little but then we dragged him to the space mountain ride.

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