Making Tough Decisions

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A/N Here you go the long awaited chapter.

Meghan's P.O.V

The hardest thing for me is making decisions because, then whatever you do is the final answer there's no going back once you say it. This was the hardest decision of my life continue on doing my work or just be a normal teenager lay back and have some fun. Well I guess I can just go with it for today and have some fun with Justin.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked Justin.

"I've got an idea." He said.

He didn't tell me what the idea was he just told me to get ready for today nothing to fancy. I hated surprises you never know whats going to happen and something could jump out at you at the last second, ok maybe I'm just talking about halloween but it's the same way with dates. Everything could go crashing down at the last second.

I still got ready like he told me to I just put on short short's since it's summer and a tank top, normally I wouldn't wear one but this was like a special occasion to me. I said bye to the boy's and I was out the door and got in the car with Justin.

"So you never told me where we were going."I said.

"It's a surprise you'll just have to wait and see." He said.

"You know how I hate surprises, why can't you just tell me?" I asked him.

He didn't respond just kept driving with a smile on his face. That's the only thing that kept me from worrying as we drove out of Hollywood and onto the freeway passing other cars. I eventually just fell asleep on my way to wherever he was taking me. I don't know why but I'm always tired it's just another wierd thing about me.

When I woke up I could lie and say I saw the most beautiful thing but I didn't I saw the ceiling of the car so I looked over and saw Justin he was awake looking at me.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you to wake up, we're here." He said.

I stretched and then I got out of the car I looked around and I saw trees and then I saw we were at a lake it looked so beautiful. The sun reflected off the water so perfectly and then the trees around us just made it better. As you could tell I'm an outdoor kind of girl most of the time. At others I would just lay down on my electronics and play video games on my phone or watch a movie.

"Thank you so much it's so beautiful." I told him.

"I'm not done yet." He said.

Then he went out of the car and I followed him into the most beautiful area, I stretched my legs and then he pointed over to an area where I could see a picnic area. Me and Justin went over there and then we sat down and ate our lunch and just cuddled with each other. We talked about everything and nothing at all but it was the best i've felt in a while me and him it just felt so right. I know I'm to young to think about this but I think he could be the one.

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