Chapter 11

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Gerard literally threw himself off of me and pretended as if we hadn't touched. Yet.

"Scarlett!" Mikey screeched before he sprinted to my bedside and picked up my hand. He left the door agape behind him.

I was so glad nobody was being too rough with me. My chest ached with every breath.

"Mikey I've missed you!" I said with a smile.

"Oh Scarlett, it's been more than long enough since I've seen my best friend." he replied.

I smiled again. "Tell me everything that's been going on with school and all!"

"Well for starters, Taylor moved to Texas, what a relief." he sighed.

"Thank God!" I spat remembering all of our issues together.

"And Frank got a tattoo!" he said gleefully. "It's of a Jack-o-lantern!"

My mouth dropped open in shock and jealousy. The little fucker. He should've waited till I got out so I could get one with him. I want a tattoo. Wait. Of what? Never mind. Just forget it. I don't want a tattoo right now.

"Mikey, that's so cool!"

"And Ray has been shredding up his fingers a lot lately playing guitar non stop. He doesn't even have time to talk to me much anymore and we're best friends!" he said trying to be sassy but he could never pass up his brother.

"Mikey I believe you interrupted us." Gerard coughed out.

"Gerard." Mikey groaned. "You always get to be with Scarlett and I can't talk with her for two seconds?"

"You already talked for like two seconds. And she's my girlfriend."

"You're such a pig, Gerard!" Mikey spat.

"What can I say? I'm a protective bitch." he replied.

"Protective or not, I want my turn to hang out with her when you're done with-" Mikey shivered. "Whatever you're going to do."

Mikey dropped my hand and skipped out of the hospital room closing the door behind him.

Gerard didn't hesitate to swing a leg back over my body so he was straddling my hips again.

He roughly brought his lips back to mine. He clamped his lips upon mine over and over. His kisses were urgent and hungry. Wanting nothing but me.

I ran the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip making him gasp and I smirked into the kiss. I really enjoyed the satisfaction that I'd made him gasp.

Gerard at last pulled away and got off of me. "I need to ask before I forget." he sighed with his cheeks burning a pink from the kiss. Adorable Gerard. "How did you end up in that car?"

I sighed. "Gerard... It all happened so fast. Things were spiraling out of control. I one minute I was in his office for therapy. Before I knew what was happening, he had gotten me in his car. It was all a blur. And it was all over within the time span of no more than a half hour."

He let out a sigh. "You're a magnet for trouble. Always getting in the bad situations on accident. I think you need to just keep me around all the time. I'm like a bad situation repellent."

"I wouldn't mind that." I choked out. A stabbing pain shot through my chest and I groaned.

Gerard looked at me alarmed. I hastily grabbed his hand in an attempt to comfort him. His fingers were thin and slender and our two hands fit together like puzzle pieces.

I looked at how pale my hand was. It was white with nearly no color to my skin. What did my face look like? I noticed how slender my arms were. I couldn't remember them ever being that slim. "Gerard?" I whimpered.


"What do I look like?" I asked.

"Beautiful. You're the most beautiful woman in the world. You have a kind heart and a good soul.  You're perfect." He replied.

"Can... Can I look in a mirror?" I asked still worried.

Gerard nodded. "I don't have one on me, but Mikey always does. The vain little fellow. I'll go grab it, OK?"

I nodded. Gerard bent over and brushed his lips against my forehead before scurrying away to find Mikey.
I took in my surroundings. More white. The blanket I had been provided with was an off white cream coloured and was made of fleece. It was warm like sunlight kissing pavement on a summer day and soft the clouds hovering over the sky. My hospital gown was a pure white with little blue spots scattered throughout it in an array of color. The machines keeping me alive surrounded me enclosing me like a zoo animal awaiting to be poked and prodded.

Gerard was soon back by my side and holding a small, black handheld mirror. I anxiously looked at the alien figure in the reflection.

That wasn't me. My once jet black hair was fading fast into a dirty blonde. My cheeks were hollow. Where my cheeks were once full and rounded, they now sunk in casting a shadow down my face below my cheekbones. My skin itself held literally next to no color. Just white. White like all that I'd lived in for the past months. Underneath my eyes, which also appeared to be sunken into my face, were large, purple banana-shaped lines. I held back tears as I looked at myself. I was ugly. A walking skeleton who was ugly.

What Gerard had told me echoed through my head. You're beautiful. I told myself repeatedly.

"Whenever you look into a mirror, I want you to smile and say 'You're beautiful', because I can tell you aren't seeing yourself like that right now." Gerard said calmly.

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I let myself cry. Gerard simply clasped my hand in between his. If he hugged me he would've crushed me.

"Gerard, I'm a train wreck!" I choked out.

"But you're my train wreck. You've crashed and burned and been split up into multiple pieces, but your pieces have gotten back together and formed something new. Something a little bit perfect, and a whole lot of beautiful." he said while bringing his lips to my cheek and kissing away the tears from my eyes.

I started to cry harder and I couldn't figure out why. But he just kept sweeping away my tears with little kisses. And I felt a whole lot better.


I'm sorry this update is a little later than normal. I had trouble figuring out how to make it sound better. I'm going to try to get back on track with these updates. I've been trying. It's really hard because with Saved By The Way I literally didn't put like any time into it and therefore, it's horrible, I'm trying to not let this story crash and burn and end up horrible like SBTW. Anyways, I'll be back to updating on Sunday as usual.

I've Lost My Way (Sequel to Saved by The Way)Where stories live. Discover now