The Games They Play

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( Y/N POV )

I could feel my cheeks burning. I tried in vain to make the heat go down in my cheeks, but I could feel Harry's eyes on me fueling the flames. I hated him for this sick game he was making me play. When Nickolas left I had been afraid of what Harry had planned, this however had not even rose in my mind. The maid uniform I had on covered very little, and what it did was leaving nearly nothing to the imagination. The black material was more like silk than cotton, with a frilled edge on the white apron that sat around my waist. I was still bare foot with my hair left down as well, a maid headband holding it from falling into my face. When Harry had produced it I tried to refuse, but that had only resulted in a cocky smile as Harry strolled closer the clothes still in hand. "Well if you don't want to play master and servant with me Y/N, we could always go back to the punishments you earned" A shuddered ran over my skin remembering the look in his eyes. I knew he meant every word as he described everything he could do to make me sorry for running away. As much as I hated how vulnerable I felt now, and when he forced me to change in front of him... leaving my underwear off I knew this was the lesser evil. I needed to stay strong and play along for now, giving them both as few opportunities to touch me as possible. "Kitten~, come sit on my lap" Swallowing I felt the flames under my cheeks turn to an inferno, but this time it was mostly silent outrage feeding the flames than embarrassment. Pushing my pride down I moved forward, feeling a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach warning me not to go. Just as I reached his side I couldn't force my feet to move any further. I could see where his trousers had tented, despite trying to avoid looking lower the sight seemed to burn at the corner of my gaze. When I looked up meeting Harry's gaze I found him looking nothing but pleased with himself.

The silence got heavier as time went on and I didn't move, but Harry just continued to watch me until he apparently got bored of waiting. His hand came out grabbing my wrist pulling me forward. The sudden movement left me off balance, with a small yelp I hadn't meant to let slip I fell to sit on Harry's lap. A low chuckle hit my ear and reminding me of just what I was not sitting on. Sitting up the best I could with the arm around my back, as well as one hand hook over my knee I tried to regain my composure. "There, that isn't so bad is it?~" I wanted to stick my tongue out at him for that but I refused to give in to his childish games, so instead I simply turned away. "This reminds me of when we were little you know..." Blinking at the odd statement I tried not to stiffen when I felt a chin settle on my shoulder. Glancing back I could just make out Harry's closed eyes under his now scruffy hair line, he looked so peaceful it was almost easy to forget the position I was in. "When you first came to live with us, you found some of my hiding spots I went to when I got in fights" He was right. I remembered those times after I came here. At first I tried to avoid Nickolas when he unsettled me, and one of those times I met Harry for the first time. I worried over him because he had bruises, and tried to go get an adult but he stopped me telling me not to. Even made me promise not to tell anyone. So me being me I went and got ice and bandages from a toy set, since I couldn't tell an adult and tried to help him myself. Looking back he had been reluctant at first but let me help him. After that I found him a few more times and helped him too, when he was alone like that he was gentler than when he was with Nickolas. He seemed so alone and distant so I hugged him and told him it was okay, and he often put me on his lap since I was smaller nuzzling into me. That Harry was always so gentle and kind... but then he left the hiding places and changed. I could never understand it back then... I don't think I fully understand why he changed now.

"Do you remember Y/N?" I nodded gently, still aware of how close he was to me perching on my shoulder. "Its why I call you Kitten you know" What? I finally turned to look at him, finding myself caught in two bright green eyes watching me intensely. As much as I wanted to look away I couldn't make myself do it, something in his eyes was different than how he had been looking at me before. "One time you fell asleep in my arms, curling into to me like a little lost kitten would" A finger came pushing back a nonexistent stray hair before trailing down my cheek almost lovingly. "I've never felt happier than that moment. For just a little while I got to hold you close, and have you all to myself. My Kitten who always came to find me and do her best to make the pain go away" I couldn't stand the look in his eyes anymore, he was looking at me with so much adoration like a lover and I wasn't his lover! When I turned to try and stand though the arm around me came to band against my waist, holding me down flush against the hot chest behind me refusing my escape. Pushing against him I couldn't help but groan as I failed, hating how strong he was to be able to hold me with so little effort. I didn't stop though, not even when hot breath fanned my ear and a second arm came to join the first. "One day Y/N, you'll want to cuddle with me like you did back then. With both of us when you're ready. You just need to see that this is where you belong, the longer you keep fighting it the more it will only hurt all of us" I could feel myself shaking, the combination of being unable to get away and the intensity of what Harry continued to pour into my ears too much for me to handle. "Harry let me go! Let me go right now!" Lips pressed into my throat for a few long minutes before the silence broke again. I felt the heat of Harry's breath as he spoke again, but this time it felt lighter like he was further away. "Just for today Kitten, next time I will be expecting more from you" As soon as the arms loosened I got up taking a few long steps, trying to get my breathing back to normal before turning.

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