Reluctant Return

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Heavy breathing filled the room as Harry moved back from his work, the man bound in the chair was bleeding in various places from the hours of abuse; his own breathing sounding more like a wheeze as his lungs struggled to perform as they filled with more blood. Raising his head was a task that clearly took all of the man's will to accomplish, and although only one eye was not swollen enough to allow sight it was difficult to see his thoughts; though his cracked voice held nothing but malice in his weakened state. "Pa-athe-etic, yo-u wo-won't even fi-ght lik-e a-a a man!" Harry didn't respond to his words moving away allowing his breathing to calm as he headed to the desk which was now free of what it had housed before, instead holding an array of tools which had no pure intention; seeming to ignore them he took a towel. The once brown fabric was stained with old blood and other fluids which left it an unsightly mass of cotton that had no other use, after wiping the visible blood from his hands Harry once more turned his breathing calmed and face calm; a mask once more in place as he spoke sending a visible shiver over the bound mans form. "I don't consider you a man Lockhart, in fact you are little more to me than a stain that needs removing; one that thought more of himself than he should" A dark chuckle left Harry as he slowly began circling around the bound man, smiling darkly seeing him hurt himself just trying to follow the movements he made; when Harry went behind him however the pain seemed too much as he allowed his body to slump his breathing becoming more laboured. Harry once more began looking at the open circuits he had found in this room, he knew Y/N had designed them if nothing else; after all he had personally oversaw everything that she made and knew her patterns. He was now simply looking for a sign of who constructed it, it wouldn't do to have someone know how to use this design again or worse yet think they can help what was their escape them; however he took clear joy in taunting the beaten man his tone holding a sick joy that was ill disguised. "Did you honestly think you could hide her? Y/N belong with us and in her home, not this hovel you helped her set up; coming to think of it you might want to get comfortable. After all this place can't be allowed to remain, though you will be staying here indefinitely; don't worry we'll make sure there is a blazing house warming for you"

There was a chocking sound from where the man's head lay, he didn't try to raise it simply speaking from where he had let it fall; the pain going through him with each word taking more strength that it should to utter. "Y-your sick, th-the pair o-o-of ya." Harry stilled in his examination of a set of wires, his fingers brushing over the smooth outer coating taking in the markings and way they were set in their place for a moment; almost as if he was considering the words. Both stopped still however when the door of the room opened Harry's head snapped in that direction, on seeing Nickolas in the doorway he went back to his examination of the wires; Nickolas however went behind the bound man slowly as if trying to make the echo of each step torturously long. But within an instant of stilling his hand shot out as quick as the deadliest serpent grabbing a hand full of the peppered grey hair close to their roots, using them with great force he forced the man's head and neck to stretch back so he was now looking to the ceiling and pulling a pained and torn grunt from the already injured throat; Nickolas blocking his impaired view as he glared down at the man a glint of something far deeper than insanity gleaming in his eyes. Each word that left his mouth in the next few moments was slow and deadly, and had the room not been silent each word might have been lost to the ears slowly oozing blood onto their owner; the damaged ear drums barley functioning as they were naturally intended to. "I hope you and Harry had some fun, I know we did; but I am afraid that this game is finished Adrian... my Y/N is almost here" The room went still as the almost unseeing eyes widened as far as the swelling encasing it would allow, but before a word could leave the damaged throat Nickolas had shot his other hand to grip it; blocking all but the slightest air flow. Harry who had come to full attention at the announcement moved to leave the room, a sinister smile on his face as he headed upstairs leaving the encased room and two men alone; Nickolas only took a slight notice to him leaving far too focused on the man slowly chocking in his grip. The feeling of the mans adams apple against his hand moving in jerky motions giving him a sick pleasure, and seeing the light in the old eyes fading slowly as his brain struggled to not shut down with the lack of oxygen; but at the final moment before the light left the sole blood shot orb Nickolas released his grip all but throwing the head in his hold forward. The motion sent the chair into a jar forward and if not for the man in it weighting what he did might have falling sending him to crash into the unforgiving floor, the sound of the aged mans chocked and broken breaths as his damaged lungs tried but failed to accept the air filling the space; Nickolas watched his face now emotionless.

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