While The Cat's Away

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My eyes feel so heavy. Trying to push myself up I forced my eyes to open, hating how hard it was to do it. I knew why, I wasn't as ignorant at what they were trying to do to me as they thought I was. Harry and Nickolas had been taking turns to keep me up, tormenting me until I was exhausted enough to fall asleep if I wanted to or not. Only for the other to wake me up less than an hour later. Still I refused to give in to them. Their promises of rest, love or any kind of reward they would give me I always refused never going past my line. What they had done to me so far, what they wore me down into doing to them was my line. That line had fallen from where I aimed to keep it, something that still weighed me down with sickly self hatred but it wouldn't fall further. To say it seemed to be pushing them both to the edge would be an understatement. Bringing myself up I groaned, the sound of the chain around my ankle lightly jangling as some of it fell off the bed. Nickolas left this morning, after called away for a three day trip yesterday.

 Seeing the absolute meltdown it caused, made me feel sorry for whoever was on the other end of that phone. In the months since they dragged me back here, this was the longest I had any kind of real space to myself. Harry wasn't here either since he had to go in and deal with backlash in the local office. I had just been able to keep myself awake to see him storm out as well. Even them putting the chain on hadn't been much help fighting off sleep, I fought it though needing to know when Harry would be back. A shudder passed over me remembering how they chose to wake me some days. I was always already burning and flushed my body humming under their attention, words like honey mingling as I was dragged from my sleep deprived state. It was one of the ways I could tell they were getting desperate, as when I was caught half asleep and overstimulated they came the closest to crossing the line I wouldn't cross. Leaving the bed I headed to the bathroom, determined to have a shower and some kind of clothing on before Harry came back.

From my glance at the clock I had a couple of hours at best. Harry had all but cooed as he had been securing my chain, that he wouldn't be home any later than five. Although if half of what I managed to hear him talking to Nickolas about was right, that would be a push. Since I had been taken out of the inner workings of the business, it seemed no one was coping too well. Not to mention Harry and Nickolas were initially not checking in, not as often as they should have been anyway when they dragged me back. Even if everything went under money would never be an issue, however neither Harry or Nickolas would let their names or businesses go under. Having them gave them power, in more ways than you would think. A part of me had always been terrified at that. Even when I was in almost full control I could have used that power, I could have done almost anything and gotten away with it. 

All because of who I was. Turning on the shower I began pulling the top I had on over my head, shaking off the heaviness in my very bones to step into the hot spray. No, I never would have been that person or ever want to be. Nickolas thrived on it in a way, while Harry knew its value so neither would willingly lose it. Leaning back letting the heat calm frayed nerves and taunt muscles, I let myself admit if I had exploited it maybe I wouldn't be here. Being well known, someone revered and in the public eye would have had people looking for me. With the low profile I kept, very few if no one would be looking for me. The pain that burned in my heart knowing there would have been one was crushing. Closing my eyes letting a few tears fall, I tried to push away thoughts of my god father. There would forever be a hollow burning void where they tore him from me. Shaking myself I started cleaning up, taking my time to wash my hair and scrub extra hard.

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