Teaser Of The Future

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The hall way was filled with the muffled screams of god knows how many people, each door a plain white and faded entrance complete with solid bolts and joints fit for containing monsters rather than people. I swallowed heavily and fiddled with the edge of my shirt once more remembering why I was here, I promised Daddy I wouldn't leave him alone... but I don't think Daddy ever imagined he would ever end up here. The asylum was allowing me to visit my step brother once a week because I appealed to the judge after the ruling that he be placed here, he had conceded it would be cruel to lock him away without visitation rights but refuses to reconsider the sentence itself. My step brother who had been found guilty of murder and deemed insane would be kept here until he was deemed either rehabilitated, or no longer a danger to himself and others. The sound of the clacking of heels was the only noise I let myself focus on as the doctor guided me down the dismal hall, I didn't dare take in any of its features though I looked at each door we passed. None were friendly in nature and all had a slot at floor level for a food tray and then a small window which had a latched cover which was shut shielding whoever was inside from my view, forcing myself to stop fiddling with my shirt I looked ahead of us to the end of the hall which was growing ever closer and the door there. Unlike the others this one was fully metal and seemed dented in places, the small places where the metal was deformed coming outwards towards us as we approached telling me one thing; they were made from inside. I stilled in place suddenly not sure if I could go inside, the doctor stilled as well looking at me with pity in his hazel eyes. "You know we can leave if you like, no one has informed him of your visit yet. He needn't-" I quickly shook my head, despite the gently tone he used I could hear the pity in it and that hurt more than anything else; I didn't want to be pitied. I made a promise and I was going to see it through, he nodded his head in understanding before moving ahead again; it took me a few seconds but after a deep breath I forced myself to move again. Coming to the door he swiped an access card into a small electronic display in the wall, I hadn't noticed it until now but give it much thought as the door suddenly released from its locks and opened; feeling my heart quicken I watched the doctor open it fully only to be faced with the source of my fears.


"Daddy? I don't like it here. Mummy is nice but he isn't... he won't leave me alone" I watched my father frown before picking me up and hugging me close as he took us to the arm chair by the fire place, the mansion we lived in was huge but this was his private study and the only place my new mother and sibling were not allowed; only I was allowed in. He held me close watching the fire crackle away for a while before he spoke, his eyes staying on the small flames never venturing to my face. "I know all this change is scary, but your new brother isn't used to having a little sister and he may be a little... overzealous with his love for now" I looked down at my hands where they were fiddling with my night dress, I was trying to build the courage to tell him why I was so scared but before I could say anything else father looked down at me again; this time his eyes warm and open as he looked at me. "Give it some time and things will settle, can you do that for me?" I slowly nodded my head, maybe my father was right and he would be less scary in time. He would stop following me around or scaring away people at school from talking to me, maybe it was just a big brother thing; but I still didn't want to go to bed just yet so I curled up in fathers lap. Letting myself drift into sleep as he gently stroked over my braided hair, tonight I wanted to stay here just me and him like it was before he remarried.


Moving into the padded room I was caution not to move too quickly towards the man sitting on the plain single bed at in the back corner of the room, he was sitting cross legged with his head hung low; his shaggy hair was long enough to cover his eyes from my sight but still I knew he was watching me. The blonde locks were longer than what they had been when I last saw him, he no longer wore the designer clothes he once had just a simple pare of grey trousers and t shirt; a number was sewn into the edge of the t shirt and I couldn't help but wonder what it was for. Slowly I approached the bed noting how his head tilted as I came closer, I could feel his eyes boring into me and I swallowed as I fought not to turn around and leave. "I knew you would come. My Y/N never breaks a promise" His voice sent shivers down my spine as it always had, the velvet tone was deceiving; like honey laced with poison, it was sweet enough to hide the bitter poison within. I kept moving closer despite not wanting to, each step feeling like my flat shoes were full of lead with the effort it took to force them into moving. Finally stopping a few feet from the bedside I watched him cautiously, he wasn't bound in anyway which surprised me but this was a private medical asylum so they were not like their more barbaric public funded cousins. As much as it baffled me despite his insane status he was able to use the wealth left to him with our parents death to fund his defence, and influence enough people to be put here rather than be assigned a facility like other people were. Slowly my tongue began to work again as my fingers once more moved to fiddle with the end of my shirt, the fabric almost seeming worn from the treatment I had put it through today. "I'm allowed to visit once a week. I will unless something important comes up" My voice was shaky even to my own ears and in response he turned his head, the action was small but set me on edge. His hair was now parted enough for me to make out his eyes, the silver orbs once more haunting me with how easily they seemed to pierce me with a simple look; years of seeing them lent me insight. The deep silver pools held veins of sapphire that you could only see if you locked gazes for a long time, and I had many times most of which were not voluntary.

A humourless chuckle filled the room as I watched him slowly swing his legs around to finally lay over the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving mine as he moved. His elbows rested on his knee's as he continued to tilt his head as he stared at me, his hair now revealing his face even as it was still tilted as if he was puzzled over my answer. I was used to his looks by now but to anyone else he would be handsome, not a striking beauty but more than enough to be deemed a perfect face in most peoples eyes. His lean form completed the look as despite his appearance he was muscular enough to overpower most people; it was a deceiving appearance hiding his physical strength. But it was his mind that caused me the most fear, he was quick and more clever than you could imagine and it only scared me more knowing his intelligence allowed him to manipulate and fool most others easily... other but me that is. "Important?" His low tone made me want to inch back away from him but I resisted, I wouldn't look weak in front of him or see how he affected me. When he stood his height only made him more intimidating to me, even at seventeen I was only 5'4 to his 6'2 and I knew I wouldn't grow much taller in between now and my eighteenth birthday in a few weeks. He slowly took the step making the gap between us disappear, leaving me with no barrior or way to evade him without leaving the room. Slowly like he was touching a wounded animal he came down to hug me, his head nuzzling into my hair, I could feel and hear him taking deep breathes and I closed my eyes and told myself it would be over soon. After a long minute he moved putting his mouth next to my ear fanning it with his hot breath, the action only making me close my eyes tighter in an attempt to block out the sensation. "But what could be more important to you than me, hmm?" EVERYTHING! That's what I screamed in my mind but as always my mouth refused to relay the thought, as a whimper escaped my mouth instead. I hated how he did this to me, all my confidence and the spirit my father used to say I had just snuffed out in his presence. He chuckled and moved away from me going to sit on the bed once more as he watched me, his once silent demeanour gone as an air of authority and dominance took over. His gaze flicked behind me for a moment as he glared at something or in this case someone, when the sound of the door closing hit my ears I knew the doctor had left and shut me in for the hour I was due to be visiting; how could I be so stupid. I clenched my fist around the cloth in my hands as realisation hit me, he had the staff under his thumb. "Come here" I hadn't realised I had closed my eyes until I blinked them open looking at the bed once more, he was patting it in invitation; one I would happy to ignore but his eyes promised pain should I refuse.

Slowly I forced my feet to move until I was at the bed side as I had been when I first arrived, this time though once I was in arms reach I was captured; pulled onto his lap while my head ended up against his firm shoulder. "There now. Much better" He sighed as if he was finally comfortable as he rested his head on top of my own, a hand coming to stroke over my hair. Apparently he didn't like the fact it was in a pony tail pulling the band from my hair and making my H/L H/C fall over my shoulders, where his hand instantly began threading into the strands and gently scraping over my scalp. I don't know how long we stayed like that but when the sound of the door beginning to open hit my ears I moved to go to it only to find a steel like arm around my waist, and the hand that had been gently touching my hair fist around it pulling painfully making me still instantly. "You do not leave until you are given permission. It seems you have forgotten the rules quickly in my absence Y/N" I tried in vain to hold back the whimper as I tried to shake my head, anything to loosen the grip he had on my hair; it hurt and I knew if he kept the hold much longer I would have a headache for the rest of the day. After I saw the door fully open from the corner of my eyes and the doctor who had abandoned me cleared his throat the hand in my hair finally let go as the arm around my waist disappeared, I took the opening all but running to the door. "I won't be in here long, then it will be just us. As it always should have been. You will be here again next week wont you" It wasn't a question and it made me still in the door way knowing he expected a verbal response, I should have kept walking but my feet glued to the door frame as I felt myself reply automatically reply. "Yes Nickolas" I moved around the doctor and stood waiting for the door to close, but it wasn't soon enough. Before the large metal door could close a deep laugh echoed out and filled me with dread, the words that haunted my nightmares leaving me to close my eyes with as I shivered. "Good girl" I looked away from the doctor as he looked at me, I couldn't bear to see the pity in his eyes. It was clear to see who was really trapped here, and it wasn't the monster behind the metal door. Turning to follow the retreating form of the doctor I let myself sag under the knowledge, it didn't matter where he was I was still in his possession; there was no escaping him. Nicholas Black always got what he wanted, nothing stood in his way... because if anything or anyone tried they disappeared. 

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