Peace Doesn't Come Easily

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When Y/N finally woke she was still held tightly in Nickolas's arms, his nose deep in her hair taking slow draws of breath as he nuzzled her. Not sure what to make of the treatment Y/N kept herself as still as possible, closing her eyes as Nickolas continued to seem content holding her. When he finally stopped pulling away Y/N let him guide her from the bed, watching as he pulled something from a draw before placing it inside two towels. When Nickolas came back guiding Y/N by her arm she thought he was planning to share a bath, so when he lead her out of the room and down the hallway she was both relieved and worried what he had planned. When they finally turned into a room Y/N recognized it all too quickly, it was the room she had woken up in. Nickolas ignored Y/N's reluctant steps as she began pulling back on his hold, pulling her into the bathroom and handing her the towels. "Since you've been a good girl I am giving you some time alone for a bath. There is something for you to put on after your finished in the towels, just call out once your dressed and either Harry or I will come get you" 

Not giving her time to answer or object before he turned leaving the room, the sound of the lock turning hitting her hard in gut knowing yet again she was locked inside. Gripping the soft plush material of the towels Nickolas had all but pressed into her chest, Y/N forced herself not to scream in frustration. Putting the towels down on the sink counter she looked in between the creamy gold material, her eyes searching for what he had left her to wear. Silent rage and embarrassment bloomed in her gut seeing the revealing lingerie set inside. The set was made of a shimmering pale green colour, with golden red and white flowers embroiled throughout the design. The underwear was brazilian style and the bra that match was made of mostly sheer material, with just enough fabric to hold the piece together. Putting the towels and their contents down Y/N huffed heading for the bath, turning on the taps as she tried to resist the urge to grind her teeth knowing she would have to put on the lingerie.

As the hot water began filling the room with steam Y/N glanced at the doorway, listening the best she could against the running water for movement. Nothing was audible from outside but Y/N was more than aware there could be camera's hidden out of sight, which made her all the more reluctant to undress. Putting her clothes in the small basket close by Y/N climbed into the steaming water, hissing lightly at the hot water embracing her body as she let herself sink. Turning the taps off the water now sitting high enough to cover most of her body, Y/N laid back letting the heat relax her muscles and clear her mind. Closing her eyes she tried to let herself drift away for just a minute. She had no idea how long she would have to herself, or what she would be dealing with later on tonight. Opening her eyes Y/N felt something fall from her eye, rolling down her cheek along with the light sheen of perspiration the heat had forced from her skin. Biting her lip she sat up pulling her knees to her chest, setting her chin on her crossed arms on top of them as she tried to bring herself together.

 Nickolas and Harry had always been intense even before she ran off, they had kept her to themselves isolating her and restricting what little freedoms she had after their parents died. Even while Nickolas was locked away. Sighing Y/N shook her head at herself. She had been so sure they wouldn't find her, she had planned so hard for so long and all the work her godfather put in too. Just the thought of her godfather was enough to push what little control she had over the edge. With a choked sob Y/N buried her face deeper into her arms, biting herself in an effort to hold the sound of her sobs in. Her chest hurt just as much as her lungs from the sobs and the pain inside her, and she could stop herself crying no matter how much she tried. "Y/N?! Y/N I'm coming in!" Harry's voice snapped Y/N from her sobs, leaving her gasping as she heard the lock turn and the door open. The sound was like a shock through the room, and Y/N pushed herself back as far as she could in the tub keeping her knees to her chest to hide herself.

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