Insanity To Come

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Growing under my breath as I read over the contract in front of me I sat back in the old wine red leather chair enjoying the sound of the material groan under me, it was familiar and calming reminding me of my father. A sad frown settled on my features as my eyes wondered to the frame on what was now my desk, it was nothing precious to look at; just a simple plastic frame which I had made for him the edge decorated with various colour glitters and stickers I had at the time. Father had said he loved it and would treasure it always, and he had right until the day of his death; it stayed on his desk no matter what holding one of our shared memories inside. The photo inside was a trip we had taken when I was four, we were at the zoo and somehow my father had convinced the staff to let me hold a snow owl; father was kneeled at my side pride in his eyes as I held the owl up with help from the mostly useable zoo keeper. I felt a small smile try to grow on my face only to fail falling back into the sad frown when memories of my father's death came to mind, the doctor had called it suspicious at the time but had found no proof to back up his claims; I believed him though despite that. Shaking my head I looked back at the contract on the desk letting the thoughts return to the back of my mind as I reached for the phone on my desk. Pressing for the direct line to the part of the company I needed I waited, with Nickolas where he was I was left in control of the various family businesses which not only added to our wealth but made the family name so renowned, to say I frustrated with it was an understatement; I had been home schooled and being bright I had passed long before others my age so I was more than qualified for the role but that didn't make it any less stressful. "Well hello Y/N, how can I help?" I knew that cocky voice anywhere and silently cursed my luck, Harry Poole was the last man I had wanted to talk to, he was and always had been Nickolas's best friend and partner in crime; and also director of our technology company... well the main one. "Harry, do you mind telling me who the hell wrote up the contract for the Dorian account?" A deep chuckle was my instant reply as the sound of moving paper reached my ears, but I ignored it waiting for my answer. "Well good morning to you too Y/N, and it seems the contract was drawn up by the Dorian accounts staff; and a copy was sent to you for review as soon as we got it. Why? Something off with it? It would have been proof read before it was sent to you for approval"

My eyes locked on the contract trying to burn it with my gaze alone, if this was proof read someone had screwed up and I wanted this taken care of now. "Then Harry you have some asses to kick. Not only is the contract for forty percent less profit than we agreed, but it also has completely removed the ten percent shares that was to be signed over to us if we agreed to fund their research!" I knew I was snapping at him but I was in business mode right now and being nice would get me nowhere, besides I had known Harry since I moved here with my father and he was used to me by now. The silence on the phone was telling, clearly Harry hadn't known about this. "I will deal with it today. Personally" The calm tone was chilling but I made myself ignore it knowing it wasn't directed at me, clipping my own tone to be calm and collected. "Good. I want the correctly drawn up contract on my desk by Monday at latest, don't make me come down there and do this myself Harry." I moved to hang up but his voice darkened and called my attention back, the familiar shivers running over my skin knowing that tone all too well. "Oh please do Kitten, it's been so long since I saw you. Nickolas wont be pleased you know, when he finds out you denied me access to our house" I closed my eyes forcing myself to calm down, I knew he was right. Since Nickolas was gone I had authority over the house and that meant I could lock him out, but once my brother found out he would be very angry at me for that; he and Nickolas were close and they shared pretty much everything... including how they behaved with me. He had come to stay many times over the years and when our parents were gone Harry all but lived here with us, but when Nickolas was put into the asylum I had him removed by the staff; knowing that he had no way to tell Nickolas what I had done and fight me on it. Swallowing I ignored the thought of what would happen when my brother was released, being thankful at least he had no contact with the outside world to know about what I was doing for now. "Its not OUR house its my house, and you should never have been here in the first place... and Nickolas isn't going to find out" I hated how my voice had wavered at the end, but even I doubted my own words, despite trying I hadn't been able to bribe anyone into keeping my brother in the asylum longer or to say he was dangerous; it seemed whatever I offered them something else was making them side with Nickolas. I had tried cutting off his access to money and I had made it almost impossible for anyone from our staff to contact him, but nothing was working.

Insanity of Possession ( Yandere x  Reader x Yandere )Where stories live. Discover now