Chapter Eight- Relocation

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Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hair and his eyes snapped open, bloody red fox eyes staring back at the Uchiha. He bit down hard on Sasuke's lips and the ravenette winced. "Uzumakii!" He had expected something like this, but not this violent. 

The Uzumakii's mouth traveled down to Sasuke's neck, breathing lightly on it and making him shudder. Just when he thought his days were over and the stupid blonde would kill him somehow, Naruto broke away, red eyes washed back into bright sea blue. He stared at Sasuke, stunned, tears racing down his cheeks. 

Why tears? "I did kill my parents." He gasped and stared at his hand, flexing each finger as if he was adjusting to the feeling. 

Sasuke's eyes widened. "W-what?" A haunting picture of his own family's death came to his mind and he looked at Naruto. Would he be that kind of a person? And what the hell did that have to do with anything? 

"Uchiha...I have to tell you something." Naruto swallowed. It seemed like a billion years ago when he had bumped into Sasuke and hurt his own back during gym, it also seemed like a million years ago when he took the sick and ferverish ravenette home, cursing his children and grandchildren in his head as he drove home like a maniac (That was all in his head). 

"When I was around five or seven...I woke up in the middle of the night only to find my parents missing. I also saw some people talking and saying they would spare me for now, and when they were gone I searched the house for my mom and dad." Naruto paused. He was getting too emotional, he couldn't continue like this. "I searched everywhere, but when I came to the bathroom-" He closed his eyes, breathed out, then spoke raggily "When I came to the bathroom, I found the entire place soaked with fresh blood. There were puddles at my feet-" He choked, unable to continue. 

"How is that your fault?" Sasuke asked quietly, stunned. "Because the same feeling I had a second ago took over me when I saw the blood and I couldn't remember anything except for two feelings. Rage and Hatred. I felt it again just now." 

"So you hate me?" Sasuke questioned, slightly confused. "No, but there's something inside me that would." He slowly lifted his shirt and the younger Uchiha backed away. "Uh I know this is weird but I'm not ready-" 

"Shut up and watch." Naruto growled and kissed the ravenette again, this time with even more desperation and feriocity. Sasuke couldn't help but moan, he didn't even know where the sound came from. Naruto groaned and pushed him away, eyes filled with lust and something else. They looked more animal, more wild. He pointed down to his stomach. 

Sasuke held back a gasp. There was a tattoo on Naruto's stomach, circling his belly with something written around. "What-"

"I don't know. I remember nothing of how I got it and how I could only make it this." He put his shirt down and the Uchiha looked at him weirdly. "You kiss someone everytime you want to do that?" 

"Uh, no. I meant the feeling hatred and rage part." 

"So you do hate me."

"I don't hate you, it's the thing inside me that hates you."

"...So technically you do hate me." 

"This is going no where. What I meant was that I am dangerous, awfully stupid sometimes, and you should get away from me." Naruto concluded with a slight shake of his head. Sasuke sighed. "Can't. We're stuck by this stupid contract, remember?" 

"...You mean you weren't kidding?" 

"Why would I be kidding?" Sasuke asked back and Naruto's eyes widened comically. "Oh, my God! Holy Mother of Christ our Saviour Jesus!" He yelled and jumped up from the couch, then ran out the apartment door, slamming it shut like a maniac. 

"What a loser." Sasuke mumbled almost cheerfully. That was interesting. And it broke the mood immediately. ...Wait. There was no mood in the first place. He was going crazy. 


Meanwhile Naruto was running as fast as he could to a very familiar place-the ramen shop. 

Having a day without Ramen was like a year without rain. As soon as he sat down the old man grinned at him. "Got out of school early today, eh?" He asked as he started making Naruto's favorite Ramen. Naruto let out a weak chuckle and gulped. "Yeah...uh, just what time is it?" He glanced at the clouds covering the sun up, unable to remember. He had slept quite a long time. "What do you mean you don't know the time? It's almost Three in the afternoon!" The old man said quizzically and Naruto grinned at him with a smile on his face as a shadow loomed over him. 

Afriad to turn around, he felt himself twitch before an onslaughter of words came over him like a wave. "NARUTO UZUMAKII-YOU IDIOT!" Sakura concluded before sitting down next to him, gutting him in the stomach with her fist. 

With an 'uff' he tried for a smile. "How are you today, dear Sakura-chan?" 

"You're paying." She replied and stared closely at him. "Just what have you been doing this entire day?" Naruto gulped. "Uh...working hard...?" 

"On sleeping?" She finished for him, a deadly look on her face. "I will shove your bowl of ramen so far up your butt you won't even need to eat it to digest it. The bowl included." She added when he started to slowly get off the chair and looking towards the exit. 

" need to get physical.." He mumbled before sitting down again. Sakura softened just a tad. "You're an idiot." 

"I know, you remind me that often." Naruto said as the old man handed him his bowl of Ramen, winking. "Ugh....I just..."

"Naruto!" He turned around just to see a red faced Sasuke-he had ran after him, Naruto guessed. Why? Sasuke's eyes were wide with some emotion. "Your apartment-" He started to say, then stopped and turned around, sprinting back out of the shop. 

Naruto twitched before running after him, a haunting thought in his head. 

Sure enough, when he got to the scene, his home was on fire. 


Sorry this was short-I am grounded again, yay. 

Comment, vote, fan!

Oh, this was a terrible chapter. Coming up next-Hopefully a valentine special!!! :D


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