Chapter Seventeen- Hello Fangirls Goodbye Life

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Thirty minutes later, the newly acquired fan-club was still whispering excitedly to one another. Itachi had excused himself a second ago and Sasuke heard hysterical laughter from his room before both he and Naruto all but ran out the hot spring.

Of course, they couldn't really do that.

The fan club cornered them and after some threats and loud yelling (mostly on Sakura's part) they agreed to talk about it peacefully back in the Uchiha's room. Well, temporay room, but any place the godly Uchihas decides to occupate turned into an Uchiha's room. Sasuke still thinks that Itachi made that rule up, but nevertheless, what does he have to complain about?

Naruto refused to look at Sasuke, and Sasuke was fine with it. Completely. Utterly. Totally.

Okay, so what if he wanted to give Naruto a hug?

....Around the neck...

...with heavy-duty rope?

He thought it was very cool of him to keep it all inside, and even cooler when he didn't do a spit take when Karin asked un-ashamedly if they were polishing each others knobs.

Naruto, however, choked on his ramen, almost fainted and requested to go to the ER all at the same time, making Sasuke wonder if that was a new Genusis Record of some sort.

"What does that mean, Karin?" Hinata asked innocently and suddenly, all the air seemed to have been sucked out of the room and a huge blaring 500 walts of lightbulb shone down on Karin alone, putting her on the much unwanted spotlight.

"Uh-hm." She coughed. "It means that...uh...they take care of each other very the point where...even the housing applications..."

"Are polished?" Ino finished with an barely controlled fit of laughter, Karin looked miserable and the two boys looked even worse.

"You know, there are many things you can do with housing applications..." Itachi said as he came back into the room and the three girls (Hinata excluded) who understood the double meaning turned about fifty shades of red (yes, that was intended too). Sasuke looked like he was seriously considering hanging above a pot of boiling oil rather than being in this kind of situation. Naruto looked like he would gladly join him. Anything but this.

Why the hell did their classmates have to see that? Dispite many attempts at trying to convince the girls that Itachi was really the one to blame, the girls just looked at Itachi as if he was their new idol and would basically do anything for him.

Itachi looked like he was having fun.

"Hey, Sasuke, how about making up with a kiss?" Itachi grinned evily as the girls made the same face *Hinata was just blushing*.

"Itachi, go kill yourself." Sasuke replied and Naruto added "-with a cactus."


They did not make it up with a kiss.


"God help me." Naruto moaned tiredly as Sasuke nodded barely in agreement. The rest of the evening had enough tension, awkwardness and teasing to give heart attacks to several herds of water buffalos. Don't ask.

It started when Naruto dropped his chopsticks in front of Sasuke and Itachi made a idly comment about 'dropping the soap' in some jail.

Then it escalated into a full blown-out almost porno conversation about them dressed up as prisoner and jailor and of course, dropping the soap.

Naruto didn't know what that meant at first but then as the comments became more suggestive he put two and two together, then flipped out, then ran out the hotel (can you call a hot spring a hotel?) the second time that day. Sasuke went chasing after him but he was secretly relieved to just leave the table.

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