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"and what relevance do you have?"

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"and what relevance do you have?"


act two
chapter 'kymmenen' ten

vasiliki had to be dragged into her house by joonas. being shaken up by the memory, she still seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. she struggled to keep balance when travelling to the car, thus having to lean on the owner for support.

not wanting to be a partial reason for a fall, or maybe not wanting to go to the hospital at this time of day, the guitarist guided the girl into her house.

a house tour for him one may conclude, as he had only ever looked inside from the doorway. vasiliki could barely recognise where she was, and couldn't help the poor boy to navigate properly.

assuming upstairs, rightfully so, but having to open every room on the floor. luckily her house was still plain, and most rooms only had one piece of undecorated furniture. he couldn't be nosey even if he tried. but unluckily for him, the main bedroom was located at the far most point.

so after opening all the doors on the upstairs level, and not closing them afterwards, he finally reached her room.

by this point in time, it looked more interesting than when she first bought it. it was clearly the only room she had put some level of effort in, maybe because she had to look at it every day.

"now, can you actually get some sleep?" joonas asked, as the girl sat on the edge of her bed.

can she? she could only hope for a dreamless sleep, which seemed unlikely considering her circumstances. "i'll try."

problem was, you can't try hard to sleep, that ruined the whole point of it. you had to relax, buzzing thoughts in your brain had to be subsided. no need to force yourself, or the subject wouldn't move forward.

as she laid down on the mattress and pulled the cover over her body, she hadn't realised the lingering figure still in her room. he had caught his eye on something, something on her bedside table.

it didn't seem to be a bother the girl, as she felt herself dosing off. her eyelids fluttered closed, allowing her to fall into a sleeping state.

fortunately, it was a dreamless sleep, maybe her body was just too tired to even conjure one up. she didn't question it, but she wasn't happy with her sleep schedule being ruined again.

it was evening, only a slither of sunshine was left with the overpowering darkness. dinner time, the issue lied within the kitchen.

as the girl opened the fridge door, she frowned, noticing the incompleteness of containments. didn't she just go shopping? no, that was last week, and vasiliki shocked herself with how quick the days have gone past.

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