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"that's not something for you to know"

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"that's not something for you to know"


chapter 'viisikymmentä' fifty

"i'm serious," vasiliki expressed, placing her hands on the bassist's shoulders, "you'll do perfectly fine."

and it was the time for blind channel to leave for rotterdam. their eurovision scenes wouldn't be something she'd interfere with, it's their band - their journey. she's had her own, and now it's their time to start something new.

it wasn't like she could join them anyway, the extra publicity stopping her. she was perfectly fine with this, and the girl was sure they could keep her updated somehow else.

"you're not helping right now," the other shook his head, swatting her hands off him. she crossed them instead, not particularly wanting to intervene with his little moment.

she took a few steps back, putting her arms up in defence, "damn, my bad."

another scene of nostalgia, yet once again, the roles were reversed. she knew how he felt after saying that, so she'll say the exact same thing.

it was a more comfortable nature now, neither taking each other's jokes seriously anymore. it was relieving, to say the least, and especially for everyone else's sake. they don't have to stare in shock horror at the duo in their little arguments, just let them be and they'll sort it out.

"oh shush you," he rolled his eyes, still rechecking everything he's packed. although it had been days since he has started, the boy always finds things he had 'forgotten'.

he'd always wake vasiliki up too, which was something she hated. there are so many daylight hours in a day, and he chooses to do something while it's dark.

she needs her sleep too.

"where is that shirt?" he questioned, eyes quickly skimming over the contents in the wardrobe. what shirt? the black one? well, it appeared he was already bringing multiple, and there are stores in the netherlands if all goes wrong.

the girl let out an angry sigh, huffing at the thought of his nonsense, "they all look the same!"

it wasn't like someone who pays attention to detail to say that, and even the brunet knew this. he must've had multiple versions of the same item of clothing, which shouldn't be a problem.

"would you relax too?" she asked, roughly pulling at her hair in annoyance. if it wasn't obvious by this point, she hated waking up early, especially if she didn't need to be.

the problem was, the other couldn't relax, and it wouldn't matter if the set date was weeks or minutes away - he'd still panic.

"olli!" she called out, her tired voice now sounding directing. she patted the spot next to her with such momentum that it was sworn a spring could be heard from the mattress. "go back to sleep."

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