13. Not Quite Dead

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Beep. Beep. Beep. The sound of the hospital monitor made me wish I was dead. I could feel both my hands being held firmly and didn't want to open my eyes, if I could, and afraid of the upset looks I knew I would receive.

The room was almost dead silent except for the sounds of sad sniffles and the monitor. I felt a warm droplet land on my hand and knew that I would give in. I then opened my eyes slightly and saw Tony and Jaime standing to my right and Kellin standing to my left. Vic was holding my left hand to his tear stained face,with his eyes shut firmly while Mike was holding my right hand and letting a single tear trail down his cheek.

I tried to say "I'm sorry" buy only choked out a cough. Vic's head quickly jerked up and I was enveloped in a bone crushing hug.

"Why, baby girl? Why?"

"S-sorry." That was all I managed to get out. A tear travelled down Vic's cheek. Kellin then stepped forward placing a hand on Vic's back.

"Uh, here. Copeland made this for you." Kellin said handing me a folded piece of paper with "Get Well" written in the middle surrounded by small drawings of balloons, peace signs, smiley faces, and a drawing of a unicorn. I smiled and observed the paper, taking in the all the cuteness. I opened up the pink constitution paper and saw in sloppy but cute handwriting, "Get well soon! We wuv you!" I smiled.

"Why don't we give them some time alone." Tony said to the others. They all nodded and started for the door.

"I love you, kiddo." Mike said before planting a kiss on the top of my head and leaving with the others.

"Please. Don't ever do that again." Vic said, looking me in the eye. "I love you too much to see you like this. Darling, you're my everything."

"I'm sorry." Those two words are all I can manage to get out. I can't think of anything else to say that wouldn't hurt him.

"Please tell me you won't do it again. Please."

"I'm sorry." His faced dropped even more, if possible, when I said that.

"It's okay baby girl. Get some rest. I'll be right here if you need me. I love you."

"I love you too." I said, feeling the water in my eyes threatening to spill out.

"The doctors said you can come home anytime after tomorrow. But you're gonna have to be on...on s-suicide watch for atleast a month." I nodded my head as a response. "Next time, which I hope there won't be a next time, please come talk to me. I could be pissed at you but that would never matter to me. If you ever feel like doing anything talk to me first please. I don't want you to ever do this again."

"I'll try but sometimes I just don't want to. My emotions get the best of me and, and I just feel like no one would care even though I know y'all care and love me. I'm so sorry."

"No. I'm sorry. I should've noticed and stopped you before any of this happened." He said and kissed my head. "Uh, I'm tell the others they can come in."

"Kay." I said and he got up from his chair, opening the door, revealing them behind it. They all smiled and walked in. They all gave me a smile but Mike's was the kindest and most genuine.

"Hey Kiddo. How ya hangin?"

"Good as I can be right now." I said, casting him a smile. I was then taken into a hug out of no where but quickly caught on and hugged back.

"Please don't do that again." He whispered in my ear, letting out a small sniffle. He then pulled back and put a smile on his face.

Then came Tony. He gave me a hug followed after Jaime and Kellin.

"Thanks for coming you guys. This really means a lot."

"Anything for you." Mike spoke.

"Look, I know this is probably not how you want to spend your day so if you want to leave I would be perfectly okay with that, and it wouldn't hurt my feelings. This isn't exactly the most glamorous thing." I say, taking a look at my arms that were now covered in bandages that were stained with blood.

They all shook there heads no and smiled.

"You're more important to me then anything else and I want you to know that." Vic said, taking my hand in his and planting a kiss on my knuckles. "I love you baby girl."

There then was a knock on the door. "I see you're awake." A female voice said. I look up to see a woman with brown hair, in maroon colored scrub, carrying a clip board.

"Hello...Rebel." She said eyeing the paper on the clip board. "My name is Doctor Bailey. I just need to take a few blood samples, for tests, to make sure everything's okay and I'll be out. Is that okay?"

"Mmhm." I said, nodding my head.

"Alright, this might hurt a bit but I assure you the pain will go away. She said grabbing a needle, bandage and gause. She then came over to my right said and gently grabbed my arm and positioning the needle in the right spot. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded my head. The needle then disappeared into my arm. I let a small whimper escape my lips and squeezed Vic's hand slightly. I closed my eyes and felt the needle leave my skin. I open  my eyes back up and saw the needle, now filled with blood, had it's end in a test tube. She had grabbed the gause and bandage,wiping up the speck of blood on my arm and place the bandage over it.

"Your good to go now. I'll be back later to check in on you and hopefully have the tests by then. For now I'll let you and your family be." She said, flashing me a smile before exiting the room.

I looked at the bandage and then look up at the guys. "Alright, what do we wanna do?"

"Rob a bank." Jaime said and snickered.

"Something reasonable." I said giving him a look of disapproval trying to keep from smiling. "Any ideas that don't involve breaking a law?"

"Well, my acoustic is in the car. I could get that and we could cause some ruckus and what not." Kellin said, smiling.

"Sounds great." I said, and he earned a couple yea's from the others. With that he smiled and headed out the door. Maybe this wasn't gonna be as bad as I thought.


Hey. I know this was kinda a crappy chapter. Sorry. I'm trying to be quicker on updating so just bare with me. I'll be having testing soon so my next update might not be for awhile and I am *so* sorry. I am doing my best so I hoped you like this.

I find it hilarious how I don't watch Greys Anatomy but I somehow made a reference.

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