24. Sick

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I woke up gasping for air and that's when I noticed I could barely breathe. I fumbled my fingers on my nightstand until I felt my phone. I quickly unlocked it and called Vic's phone. I gasped for air again trying to get as much air as I could. My heart was pounding and I was scared to death of what was happening.

"Hello?" My father's groggy voice picked up. I tried to answer but all that came out was wheezing gasps for air then I heard a thud then loud and quick footsteps coming to my room.

My door swung open and the light flicked on and there was my panicked father. I gasped for air as my vision blurred and I got light headed. Vic came to my side and grabbed my phone. He then proceeded to call an ambulance but not before darkness washed over me.


I woke to the beeping of a heart monitor and opened my eyes only to be nearly blinded by the bright lights. I looked around my room and saw the usual hospital room but no one in here with me.

I then noticed the breathing mask over my face. It still didn't feel like I was breathing normal but it would have to suffice.

I then heard the click of the door opening and a woman in navy blue scrubs and a white lab coat come in.

"You're awake." She said, smiling. "You're father just left to go get something to drink. He'll be right back." She said as she started jotting things down on some papers on a table in the room. "How are you feeling?" She asked, picking up a clipboard and papers.

"Iffy. It's hard to breathe." I told her.

"Yes. It's probably going to be for a while unfortunately." She said, writing a few more things down and I heard the door opening again and my father came in with a cup of coffee and a sad look. Then he looked at me and scrambled, setting down his coffee and coming over and giving me a hug.

I smiled, as did he then he sat down in the chair next to me and we both listened to the doctor.

"Well, Rebel, we sadly don't have the best of news. You seem to have pneumothorax."

"What's that?" Vic asked, grabbing ahold of my hand and squeezing it a little.

"Well, it means one of your lungs collapsed. That's why it's so hard for you to breathe and, well, you're going to need a lung transplant. But the other doctors and I also think you have pneumonia." Vic's head hung down and he kissed my hand.

"So when do I need to get the lung transplant?" I ask.

"Well as soon as possible but you're on a waiting list unfortunately and that waiting list is pretty long so it might be a little bit."

"Oh." I said before trying to take a big breathe and catch my breathe.

"Don't worry, we are trying our best to quicken this process and get you out of here as soon as possible but the way it's looking right now is that you're going to be here for a while. I'm truly sorry." She said. "I guess I will leave now since I've told you all you need to know." She said, flashing a smile before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her.

"Dad?" I said as I saw him still with his head down against my hand.

"I just wanted you to have a good life." I heard him say.

"I do have a good life." I say, a little confused and worried.

"Being in a hospital is not a good life. I want you to be okay. I want to be home playing games and watching movies with you. Not stuck in a hospital worrying about if you took your meds or not."

"Dad. Everything is going to be okay. Really." I smiled at him and he smiled back but I could tell it wasn't genuine. I could see it in his eyes. He was scared, broken, lost, sad. Everything he usually is not. "Dad. Please. I'm gonna be fine. It's just gonna take a little bit."

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