22. Want Me Back?

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I woke up with Asher snuggled into my side and smiled. He was just a cute little ball of fur. Luckily he was house trained already so we don't have to worry about that.

I got out of the bed, careful not to wake Asher, and went downstairs but stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I heard Vic.

"What?! No! She's MY daughter! You can't just-.....Fuck you! Don't you even dare!" I heard his voice ring with frustration. I sat still at the bottom of the stairs and listened intently. "She will never want to come back to you after what you did. NEVER! Don't try and force her because I will fight for her!.........Just SHUT UP! I don't know what I ever saw in you! Leave us alone. She's much happier here than she ever was or ever could be with you. You don't know how much pain you caused her and if I wasn't the person I am I would hurt you for that...No! I will NEVER let her do that! You're an awful person and you can rot in hell! Just, GOODBYE!"

"Dad?" I ask, walking into the kitchen where he was.

"I'm sorry darling. Did I wake you?" I shook my head. "How much did you here?" He asked looking a little frightened almost.

"Enough." I responded.

"I'm so sorry." He said looking down at his hands. "It's just...I don't want to lose you when I just got you back. I...I'm sorry."

"Explain." I said, a little confused.

"It's your mother. She wants you back. She wants to fly you out to New York with her and her boyfriend and...She doesn't want me to ever see you again. She wants to take you away from me and...I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I ever let that happen."

"What?! Why does she all the sudden want me back now?" He looked at me with a horror-stricken face and sighed.

"Apparently your mother has not been enough to...please him and she wants to use you as...ya know. But I won't let that happen."

"She wants me to be a fucking slut for her fucking boyfriend?! What the fuck! That fucking bitch!" Vic looked at me with wide eyes as I let each curse slide from my lips.

"Okay. Well I feel the same way but I don't think you needed to express it like that."

"She wants me to be a damn prostitute because she isn't good enough at sucking her little boyfriends damn dick?! Fucking hell!"

"Enough! I understand your upset. I am too but cursing every other word isn't going to help so calm down and we'll figure out what we're going to do. Okay?"

"Okay." I said, taking a breathe and relaxing the tension in my shoulders and the rest of my body.

"Now I'm going to make breakfast so you feed Ash and then bring him down here please. Okay? Sound good?" I nodded then went and put food in Asher's bowl then went back upstairs and saw him still laying in my bed sleeping.

"Asher. Hey Asher. Wake up boy." I said in a sweet voice as I picked him up earning a cute little yawn and groan from him. I cradled him in my arms and carried him downstairs before putting him down in front of his bowl so he could eat.

Asher practically inhaled his food with how fast he ate it and then went into the living room with me, jumping on tge couch and curling up into a little ball on the blanket that was left there.

"Rebel!" Vic called out to me.

"Yes?" I called back.

"Can you get some paper towels....and a mop?"

"What?" I asked going into the kitchen, revealing the huge mess. "How? Do I want to know?"

"Eggs are not easy to crack cleanly. Plus this pancake mix is like flour and I kinda dropped it."

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