19. Game On!

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I picked up Asher and carried him everywhere with me. Whether it be to get a drink or go to the restroom, as weird as that sounds. I looked in the pantry and Vic had already gotten the dog food so I grabbed a bowl and put some in it, setting it on the floor along with Asher. I also filled a bowl with water and put it right next to it.

I decided to leave Asher alone for a bit since I've been clinging to him since I got him. I couldn't help it. He's adorable.

I just decided to walk around and talk to people for a bit. I talked to Jordan, Shannon, and got inturupted while talking to Kyle.

"Time to play some games!" Jaime yelled. All the sudden I saw the circle of chairs and mentally face palmed myself.

"There are only 11 chairs so we are going to pull 12 names out of this hat." Jaime said, holding up my black fedora I got as a present with pieces of paper in it. He then proceeded to pull pieces of paper from the hat and call the names out.

"Kellin, Danielle, Katelynne, Shannon, Johnnie, Tony, Alex, Vic, Justin, Gabe, Bryan, and of course we have to have the birthday girl, Rebel."

I laughed a little and just walked to the chairs.

"Everybody knows how to play musical chairs so there is only one rule. I person per chair, other than that there are no other rules. That's what makes this even more intresting and entertaining to watch." Everybody laughed and Jaime went to the iPod hooked to the speaker and looked up at us. "Ready?" Everybody nodded and then the music started.

As soon as it did I started laughing. He had just played the chicken dance and now everybody was doing it as they walked in a circle and the ones not doing the musical chairs were doing it too.

"Come on, Rebel. Join the fun and do it with us." Tony, who was behind me, said.

"Fine." I said, joining them and laughing while I did.

Everyone was doing the chicken dance and walking around and laughing and then the music shut off. All hell broke loose.

People were being shoved out of chairs, picked up and thrown on the couch, there was so much screaming it sounded like a murder was happening.

Luckily for me though I got a chair. I had came up with a plan. I had grabbed the chair and set it down on the other side of the room and sat down in it. Nobody really noticed that I did that but Jaime and he started laughing when he saw.

"Katelynne is our first loser." Jaime announced.

Katelynn just laughed and walked over too Alysha and stood by her.

The rounds went by and by, one by one the chairs were removed.

The second round Bryan got out. Then Tony, then Johnnie, then Gabe, then Alex, then Danielle, the Kellin, then Justin.

It was down to me Shannon and Vic. Shannon had been kicking the chairs out from under people and stealing them and Vic had been shoving people off the chairs. I had been doing the same thing the whole time. I grabbed the chair, set it down across the room and sat down. I never knew that a game of musical chairs could get this intense.

Then the music started. It was the Macarena. Of course us being the goofballs we are started doing it, laughing, making 'fierce' faces at each other. Or atleast as fierce one can be while doing the Macarena. Then the music stopped.

I grabbed the chair and ran across the living room. Vic had sat down in his chair but Shannon had kicked it away, and it got kicked to right in front of me. They dashed for the chair and I was quite amused until I felt my self being thrown off. Vic had picked me up and thrown me on the couch. Me being me, I wasn't going to lose. I lunged at Shannon and knocked her off the chair. I grabbed the chair and took off sitting down in it right infront of Jaime.

"10..." Jaime yelled. Us being the weird people we are put a twist on the game. It's musical chairs but you have one minute to be sitting in a chair and if you're not then you're out. The time limit is just to see all the shit that happens after the music stops really.

I put my hand on the seat of the chair holding on tight as they said the count down and Shannon bolted at me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself.

"7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Nothing happened.

I open my eyes and Shannon was on the floor. She had tripped. I was quite relieved, she was very...how should I put it...ruthless.

If you get on her nerves she turns into a whole different person and will shatter you into piece. It's actually quite scary.

I let out a breath of air I didn't even notice I was holding in. I stood up and Jaime took the chair away as Vic set the one he was sitting on in the middle of the room.

As stupid as this sounds, this was very intense. All eyes were on me and Vic as we paced around the chair, 'Throne-BMTH' playing in the background.

The music shut off and I grabbed the chair and just started running around the house. I even ran up the stairs. After the chase I started to hear the count down. I ran back down stairs and ran around the couch until I heard 1, then slammed the chair on the ground and sat.

I immediately saw a panting Vic with hus hands on his knees on the other side if the couch. It was quite the sight. It was pretty funny actually.

"Our winner and birthday girl, Rebel Fuentes!" Jaime announced, holding one of my hands in the air as if I had just won a fight.

Everyone clapped and we all laughed. After that we played a few more silly games that I had to be involved in and they were actually pretty fun since I have all these amazing people here.

The night dragged on with shouting and music until I did something so small but extremely stupid.

Of course this being a party there was alcohol and lots of red cups. I made the big mistake of setting my cup on the counter and not putting my name on it. Me being me I didn't even think about that and later on accidentally grabbed the wrong cup that so happened to be filled with whiskey and not soda. I took a big swig and even after noticing the flavor swallowed it. It wasn't just a small amount either. It was the whole cup full. It was probably equivalent to about 5 or so shots.

I had never dranken alcohol before and got drunk almost instantly and it was completely noticeable. I could barely walk without falling over and was talking all sorts of crap.

Everything was a lot more fun though and I had a blast. I think. Then I was out.

Sorry for short and crappy chapter, but knew I had to try and get something up since all the holidays are coming up and I now I'll be busy. I hope y'all enjoyed this small little chapter. And if I don't post for a while I'm probably on holiday or with family, so I'm sorry in advance.
QOTD: What's your favorite ship/OTP?
Mines between Johnlock and Destiel

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