10.Final Show

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When we reached the venue Vic drove around to the back to a gated area. Several other cars were parked back there and Vic parked in one of the closest spots to the door. When we got up to the door and i was given my pass.

You have to have a pass to be backstage, even the staff has to wear it. The pass is just a lanyard with a marron card that said "PIERCE THE VEIL backstage pass". Anytime someone thinks you're not supposed to be back there you just show them it and they leave you alone.

We walked to the dressing room and saw Mike and Tony there already. They were both on their phones, laying on the couches.

"Hey." I said and waved.

"Hi." They responded back, not looking up from their phones. I walked over to where Vic was sitting and layed down with my head in his lap.

"You tired?" Vic asked.

"A little." I replied and closed my eyes.

"Why don't you stay back here and sleep, if you can, while we do the concert."

"But this is your home town show. I can't miss it."

"Yes you can. You'll be fine. You've seen, what, 4 of our concerts. And don't forget you got to perform at some of them."


"Alright, now get some test." Vic told me. I then drifted into a deep sleep.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
I was laying on a bed reading a book when all of a sudden I felt a warm liquid drop onto my hand. The first time I didn't think anything of it but the second I grew curious. I quickly closed the book to see Vic pinned to the ceiling with a bloody torso.

"NO!!! NO, STOP TAKE ME! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" I protested to the empty room, and stood up, but nothing happened.

Then, just as I knew would happen, Vic burst into flames and I felt my whole body collapse. I began crying on the floor and was waiting for the flames to find my body and take me away from this feeling I had but they never did. I looked up from my hands and saw I was the only thing not burning. When I looked to the ceiling Vic was no longer there. The flames had replaced him.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     * 

I woke up and began panting. I quickly sat up and grabbed the water bottle on the table beside me, and chugged it. In that moment I wasn't caring who's water it was. I was just glad it was there and also glad they only drank about a quarter of it.

I could faintly here the guys playing 'The First Punch'. I grabbed the bag with the nice clothes in it and began changing. I brought the only dress I had. It was a gray long sleeve with a black ribbon around the waist. I also brought black leggings and black heels with spikes along the heel.

I then grabbed my brush that I brought and went through my hair and put on perfume. After that I looked in the mirror and was actually happy with how I looked.

I walked out the room and went over to side stage and watched the rest of the show from there. When they played 'Hold on till May' I smiled 'cause I thought they had already played it and I'd missed it. I then quietly sang along to every word.

After the guys said their goodbyes to the crowd I quickly hid behind one of the speakers backstage so I wouldn't be engulfed in a sweaty hug. They then ran off the stage and quickly ran to the dressing room.

I then ran to Violet, she helps with soundcheck and stuff. She was a woman in her early 20's and had purple hair. I had grown to like her and would talk to her sometimes while the guys were busy.

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