23. To Be Loved Or Not Loved

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As much as my fathers glare scared me I answered the phone hesitantly.


"Hey sweetie!" Her fake friendly voice chimed. It seemed so familiar yet so different as well.

"DON'T call me sweetie. What do you want?"

"Come on don't be like that."

"You made me miserable. You made me think I was worthless. What the HELL do you want?!" Vic looked at me almost like he was pleading for me to stop.

"I just want my daughter back. I know I've made some mistakes but I just want you back. Infact I think I found something we could bond over."

"If you think that we can 'bond' over being sluts, you thought wrong. I am nothing like you! I am not that type of person! I don't do that stuff. I don't want to do any stuff that involve you."


"Don't even start you filthy and ignorant BITCH!" I screamed and ended the call. That's when the flood gates opened. Tears leaked from my eyes. Thoughts of how nice she used to be to me. Was she only nice so that she could use me? Did she ever really care for me? But she never noticed how much I hated myself. How much I hated everything and almost everyone. Did she choose not to notice or did she just not care? My eyes were so watered my vision became blurred but I could feel my fathers familiar touch as he held me close to his chest and hushed me.

"I'm here. I won't let anything hurt you. I won't let her get close to you. I'll keep you safe. I promise." He said and ran his fingers though my hair.

"D-Do you love me?" I asked him, wiping my face and looking him in the eyes. I didn't know what to say but I knew I need reassurance from my thoughts.

"Of course I do! Why would you think otherwise? I love you so much and it pains me for you to not know that. You are my everything Rebel and I regret every second I lost being able to be with you and watch you grow. You are so beautiful and talented and I love you so so much darling." He said cupping my face and kissing my forehead.

"I love you too dad!" I said before we engulfed each other in a hug. Then I felt a little nudge on my leg and looked down to Asher. "I love you too buddy." I said, picking him up and kissing the top of his nose before he licked my face.

"Alright well you just need to relax today so go watch some TV or something. I've gotta go to the studio today so I'll phone Erin and see if she can come over."

"Yay! I miss Erin. I haven't seen her in a while. I really haven't seen anybody in a while."

"Don't worry. Before we go on our next tour we'll have a little get together so you'll be able to see everyone."

"Alright, well um..."

"Well I've got to get ready for the studio and pack up so just go relax." He said before kissing the top of my head and leaving me and Asher.

Asher looked up at me and gave me the cutest look so I picked the fur ball up and took him up to my room and layed down in my bed with him. I unlocked my phone and the first thing I saw were the hate comments. It seemed like everyone either wanted to be me or kill me.

Raging thoughts rushed through my mind. Should I? Would anyone miss me? I'm not even that important so it really wouldn't matter.

Ding Dong the doorbell rang. I scurried out of my thoughts and trotted down the stairs and walked over to the door as Vic opened it, letting Erin in.

"Erin!" I exclaimed before running over and engulfing her in a ginormous hug.

"Hey chica!" She said as she hugged me tightly before letting me go back to arms length.

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