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I made a Spotify playlist for the story! It has the same title if you wish to listen to it while reading!

Trigger Warnings :
S3lf h@rm

I woke up the next morning in a dimly lit room. It was dark outside due to the clouds that easily blocked out the sunlight. I sat up and gently rubbed my eyes as I yawned. I then pause. "Where... Am I...?" I remember falling asleep in Wilbur's car but don't remember moving. I shook it off and slid out of the white comforter that lay on top of me. A shiver crept up my spine as my bare feet hit the cold floor.

I walked towards, what I thought was the door out of the room, and opened it only to be confused when I walked into a bathroom. "What the hell..?" I closed the door back and walked to the other door, which to my relief led out into a hallway towards a living room.

Once I walked into the living room I was greeted by the familiar smile and voice that belonged to Wilbur, "Morning, sleepyhead!~" he hummed out softly.

I could feel my cheeks heat up slightly as I walked over to the couch and sat beside him. I leaned against the arm of the couch and yawned again. "Morning..." I spoke sluggishly.

Wilbur's smile only brightened. "Do you want some breakfast?"

"Maybe in a little bit..." I mumbled, still trying to wake up.

Wilbur nodded, "okay, that's fine!" He gently ruffled my hair, which was a mess still. As if I'm gonna fix my hair first thing in the morning.

Wilbur stood and walked away somewhere, while I stayed on the couch. I slowly nodded off for a short minute before I was woken back up by Wilbur.

He smiled, "How're you gonna wake up if you keep going back to sleep?" He cocked an eyebrow.

I groaned quietly while he let out a soft snicker. He dragged me to the kitchen and made me sit at the island while he cooked breakfast. He soon began scolding me after I confessed I don't normally eat breakfast. Going on about how "breakfast was the most important meal of the day" and "you need the energy to do things". I told him I would eat as long as it wasn't a whole lot. He agreed with that and made me a plate with not a whole lot on it.

Wilbur handed me a plate and sat beside me with his own. Once we finished eating we went back to the living room. Wilbur turned on the TV and we both tried to agree on a movie. I wanted to watch a horror movie, but Wilbur was very much against it.

I eventually was able to convince him to turn on The Purge: Election Year. Wilbur reluctantly put the movie on and groaned in aggravation.

"It's okay you big baby. You can cuddle me if you get scared," I joked, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. You've got a lot of attitude built up in that tiny body," he snickered.

I let out a dramatic gasp, "I'm not that short! I'm average height!" I frowned and crossed my arms.

Wilbur laughed and pulled me into a hug, one in which I quickly melted into. He was warm and his hold felt safe. I wanted to stay there forever. I felt my face heat up once I realized that I had cuddled against him and scooted away nervously. Wilbur looked at me, confused.

"You okay, bud?" He cocked an eyebrow.

I rubbed the back of my head nervously, "Yeah! I'm good."

"Alright, if you say so,"Wilbur frowned, but didn't push anything.

I soon realized I was still in the same outfit as yesterday. Had I slept in it? I'll just go change real quick. I stood and began to head towards the guest room. I was stopped by Wilbur, who grabbed my arm. I winced quietly at the strong grip on my wrist.

"Where are you going, Y/n?" Concern covered his voice.

"Just to change," I gave a small reassuring smile.

Wilbur nodded softly and let go. I walked to the guest room and closed the door behind me. I took off the crop top I had been wearing and then realized I fell asleep in my binder. "Fuck." I shook my head and nervously took my binder off, replacing it with a sports bra. I then soon realized my cuts were bleeding again.
"Awh double fuck.."

I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I searched to see if there were any bandages or anything to clean them with. To no avail, I gently placed my arm under the faucet and winced at the stinging pain

My heart dropped at the sound of a knock at the bathroom door. There I was, sitting on the floor, in a sports bra. And the boy I'm falling for -who still doesn't know I'm trans- was standing on the other side. I panicked. So I, reluctantly, started crying.

I guess it was loud enough for Wilbur to hear because he ended up going ahead and letting himself in. I sat there, completely overwhelmed, probably looking like a fucking mess, and there stood Wilbur -wide eyed and worried-. He didn't seem to care about me being trans, but quickly sat on the floor beside me, looking at my arm. He frowned and looked up at me.

"Why..?" Wilbur spoke softly but then dismissed it, "Nevermind. But a shirt on real quick and I'll clean them... Okay?"

I stayed silent, looking down at the floor.

"Please, Y/n..?"

I nodded softly and he stood, helping me up. He walked out of the room, letting me finish changing. I put on a light grey oversized t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. I walked out and saw Wilbur walk right past the small hallway and head to the bathroom. I headed over to Wilbur and he smiled softly at me. He was holding a soft washcloth and was just getting it wet.

He helped me clean the wounds and then quickly pulled me into a hug. This was a big shock for me. He picked me up and brought me to the living room. He changed the movie to a Disney movie and sat beside me. The brunette pulled me into a hug and began to play with my h/c hair.

"I'm sorry, Wilbur..." I felt tears begin welding up in my eyes again.

"No, no... Don't be sorry, Pup. It's not your fault," Wilbur responded, genuine care in his voice.

The nickname brought a pink cloud to my cheeks. Wilbur seemed to notice what he said and his face was coated with the same soft shade of pink. He brought his hand over his face.

"I... I'm so sorry- I didn't-"

I quickly interrupted him, "It's okay. Now let's actually watch this movie!" I smiled.

Wilbur nodded, "Right."

And there we sat. Watching Frozen 2, cuddling on the couch.

𑁍 1179 words 𑁍

AaAh!! I am so sorry the updates are slow!! >.<
I'm trying to keep the updates somewhat frequent but my inspo is being really weird right now.. ^^"

☢︎︎ - ℱℯ𝓁𝒾𝓍

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