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It's been a month. A month of torture. Every small bit of affection killed me. And I think Wilbur knows. It's become much more difficult for me to hide it all. He makes me feel safe, maybe even loved. God no... I can't go through that again. It could end up like last time. I quickly took out my phone and went to Philza's number. I hesitated before carefully typing out a message.

3:37 am
Phil, how do I run from love..?

To my surprise, it didn't take long for him to respond to my message.

'Dad'za 3:41 am
Sometimes you can't... It just catches up to you...

"Helpful..." I hissed.

I threw my phone against the bed and fell backwards. My hands instinctively tangled in my (h/c) hair. I let out a frustrated groan and stared at the ceiling. I immediately closed my eyes, the off white paint being a little too bright for my liking. I let out a soft sigh. I sat up, drooping my legs over the soft mattress. My eyes glanced over to the window and I smiled softly.

I slid off the mattress and put on a pair of sweats. I quickly went over to the window and opened it, slipping out onto the roof. I sat with my knees close to my chest and arms wrapped around my legs. I glanced down at the road below me, the streetlights seeping from the black cement into lawns. I shivered softly. Probably should've grabbed a blanket... It was pretty cold and my hoodie and sweatpants were not doing very well with keeping me warm.

God what was I supposed to do..? I was gonna be with Wilbur for another three months. And at this rate I might actually end up dying. It wasn't the fact that I would be with him. It's the fact he's constantly flirting with me and hugging me. I mean don't get me wrong, he's a really good guy, not to mention good looking and extremely charming. But... I'm terrified.

I heard a faint click behind me but dismissed it as my imagination. I let out a soft sigh and rested my head against my knees.

I pulled my hood over my head and looked up. I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulder. I whipped around and backhanded whoever it was in the face. My eyes widened once I saw who it was.

"Oh my god... Wilbur I am so sorry!!" I chirped out nervously, covering my mouth slightly.

He gently rubbed his cheek and smiled, "you're fine, (Y/n). What are you doing up here?"

"Oh, I uh..." What am I supposed to say? Just straight up tell him I was simping over him and having a gay panic? "... Couldn't sleep..."

"You sure that's it?" He asked, keeping his voice low.

Damn it Wilbur.

"Yeah I'm sure. You wanna come sit with me..?" I smiled up at him.

He nodded and crawled out of the window, sitting beside me. He had a blanket in his hand, which he draped over me. I smiled and we sat in silence for a bit.

That is before I broke it, "Why exactly where you checking on me..?" I looked at the brunette curiously.

"Oh..." He hesitated before answering, "uhm... Don't worry about it..."


He smiled before looking down. I looked at the house across the street. I glanced to my feet before looking back to Wilbur, who had also looked up at me. He leaned toward me slightly and I felt my heartbeat increase. Wilbur held my hand and fell further towards me. We could feel each other's warmth. I felt my face heat up and I looked down to Wilbur's lips nervously. He nervously bit his lip before closing the distance between us. My eyes widened, but only briefly, and I kissed back. Only for a few seconds. I pulled away from him with wide eyes. Wilbur had a shocked expression, like he didn't even mean to do it.

"I-I..." I let out a quick huff and climbed thought the window.

"(Y/n)!! Wait!" Wilbur yelled after me, climbing through and attempting to catch up with me.

However, by the time he got through the bedroom door and into the living room, I was already half way down the road. I ran. I didn't stop. I kept running until I got to the nearest gas station. I texted Phil as soon as I was able.

4:57 am
Phil, can I please stay with you??? Just for a little. Don't tell Wilbur.

'Dad'za 4:59 am
Yeah that's fine. What happened (y/n)???

4:59 am
I don't wanna talk about it. Honestly its petty.

'dad'za 5:00 am
Do you want me to pick you up?

5:02 am
No, I'll get a bus ticket.

'dad'za 5:02 am
Okay, be safe.

I sighed and waited by the bus stop. I tugged roughly at my (h/c) locks. God I'm so stupid. Why the fuck did I run. That's what I wanted right? I felt my phone buzz and I took it out of my pocket, thinking it was Phil. I was mistaken.

Wil'bur-bear' 5:06 am
(Y/n), I'm sorry.

Please answer me.

Fine you don't have to talk to me, but answer this one question.
Why did you kiss me back?

I paused. Why did I kiss back? I didn't even think about it. I felt tears weld up in my eyes. Fuck. Fuck that brown haired British boy. I got on the bus and sat down. I grabbed the earbuds out of my pocket and plug them into my phone. I turned on a random Spotify playlist and closed my eyes. I didn't want to cut the trip short. But how would I deal with this? It's not like I don't want it it's just. I don't want it to be like that again...

✰✩☆  Flash back begin  ☆✩✰

Tw- abusive relationship

"God you fucking dumbass. I don't even know why I started dating you!" He yelled as he threw me against the wall.

"I-I'm sorry... I-" I was quickly cut off by a tight hand around my throat.

"Shut the fuck up, tranny. I didn't give you permission to speak." He snapped as I grabbed at the hand around my throat. "How many times do I ha...

(I apologize deeply for this)
✰✩☆  Flash back end  ☆✩✰

Tears fell rapidly down my face. It seemed every song that came on reminded me of Him or Wilbur. Especially Despair by Leo... The bus soon came to a stop and it was my turn to get off. I would walk from the stop to Philza's house. Which thankfully wasn't far. Once I got there I knocked softly on the door. The door swung open almost immediately, like he was waiting for me. Arms wrapped tightly around me and I melted into the fatherly hug.

"Jesus Christ, (y/n)!! You had me worried sick." He pulled away from the hug, "what the fuck happened?!"

"It's fine, Crow Dad. I just... Need some thinking time. Away from Wilbur." I smiled softly.

Phil only sighed, "Alright. Now come in, it's freezing out here." He led me inside and led me to the living room. "Apologies, you'll have to sleep on the couch."

"It's alright..." I laid down on the couch and Philza quickly put a blanket on top of me. "thank you..." I whispered, before falling asleep.

Word count - 1248 words :)

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