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God, I felt so fucking stupid. I ran over something as small as a freaking kiss?? I was asleep, but I was awaken from a dream that was based off the events from before. I shoved my face roughly into a pillow. I growled at myself. I was so mad at myself. So, so mad. How could I be such an idiot?! I kept thinking about the question, even going to the message on my phone. Why did you kiss back? Why did I? Why so instantly..?

I silently cursed myself as I pulled my knees into my hoodie. It had started raining while I was waiting for the bus, so my hair was kinda wet from it still. I looked out the rain spattered window and sighed. I slid my hood on and rested my head on my covered knees. I picked up my phone and opened Wilbur's contact. My thumb hovered over the keyboard. I hesitantly began typing. Eventually I had it typed out and began contemplating sending it.

I quickly tapped the send button and turned off the phone, tossing it to the side -practically throwing it across the room-. I fell back on the couch and groaned. I rested my arm on my forehead and closed my eyes.

"(Y/n).. you alright?" Phil spoke, sitting beside me.

I shot up, opening my eyes, "Jesus Christ, Phil! You scared me..!" I rubbed my eyes softly and adjusted my sitting position.

"Sorry, Kid." He smiled softly. "You alright? What even happened, you never said."

"I didn't..? Oh." I looked to my phone, which was halfway across the room on the floor.

"Something happened with Wilbur... I don't really wanna talk about it." I looked down.

Phil sighed and rubbed my back comfortingly, "It's okay, mate. You don't have to tell me, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm right here." He smiled softly and pat my head before standing back up and leaving to his room.

Not long after he left, my phone went off.


I slid off of the couch and picked up my phone, sitting down on the floor. I turned on my phone and unlocked it. He had responded to the text I left.

Because I was scared to love you, Wilbur.

Please, come back. You don't have to give me another chance but just come back so I don't have to worry.

I paused. Did he care? Could I trust it wasn't just an act? Maybe... Maybe. I sighed. I hated how much I wanted to kiss him again. And let alone just be held by him. Just once again. I finally came to a conclusion. I would go back, but I would get some advice from Phil first. After all, he is married.

I'll come back, not tomorrow though.

I stood up silently. I set my phone on the coffee table as I passed it and sat on the couch. I curled up in the blanket Phil had brought me and laid down, closing my tired, heavy eyes. I tried to sleep. But seconds seemed like hours... And minutes... They felt like days. I couldn't stand this. Eventually my racing mind calmed and I ended up getting some sleep.

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☁︎☁︎   ᯾Time skip᯾>~~✈︎   ☁︎
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I woke up at around 9:30 the next morning. Which had honestly surprised me. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep that much. I sat up silently and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and it took me a second to remember where I was. And what had happened the night prior. I groaned and walked to the kitchen, expecting to see Phil, but instead was greeted by a small note on the counter.

𖦹𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒 ℂ𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕖~𖦹 ʷⁱˡᵇᵘʳ ˢᵒᵒᵗ ˣ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐᵃˡᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now