♥︎ "𝙿𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚔𝚒𝚗..?" ♡︎

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"Hey... Wake up..!" Wilbur gently rubbed my shoulder, trying to gently wake me up.

He smiled softly as my eyes fluttered open and I looked up at him. I smiled softly as he gently ruffled my (h/c) hair. Wilbur let out a soft chuckle and opened his mouth to speak.

"Morning, Pumpkin..." The small nickname seemed to grow butterflies in my stomach.

I felt my cheeks heat up and hid my face. I frowned at how soft I always was around him. I just felt like I was safe on him. Wilbur frowned and looked at me. He gently rubbed my back before speaking again.

"You okay..?" His voice was dripping with concern.

It was almost frustrating. I loved how he always cared about me and made me feel safe. Despite the feeling of security, I couldn't help but feel annoyed with myself. God, did I fall for this man..? No... Certainly not. I couldn't. Not after being rejected and abandoned so many times.

"Y/n...? You okay?" I jerked out of my trance.

"Y-yeah sorry I zoned out a bi-" and then I noticed it. He was staring at my lips.

I immediately felt the winged annoyance filling my stomach again. I could feel how red my cheeks had grown. And my suspicions we're proven as Wilbur looked directly into my (e/c) eyes with a worried look. He placed a hand under my chin and tilted my head up.

"Hey... You good, Pumpkin?" My eyes widened softly and he snickered.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" I responded quickly a little too quickly.

Wilbur smiled softly, "Hey, I was thinking we'd go to the new cafe today. You okay with that?"

I nodded happily, excited. While I was excited, I was trying extremely hard to hide the fanboy in me. I was about to jump up to go change before Wilbur stopped me.

"Hey, no binder though. You need to take a break from it. Please." He looked with a concerned look.

I frowned slightly before responding, "okay.. " I smiled softly and went to the room.

I closed the door and immediately started panicking. Was it a date!? Was it a kind gesture? Why the fuck was he staring at my lips!? I fell onto the bed face first. I flipped over and grabbed my (h/c) hair. I eventually calmed down and went to my suitcase.

"Okay. Outfit." I stated as I rummaged through it.

I grabbed a baggy grey sweatshirt and a black overall-skirt with a chain attached to the belt that I had left in it.
(The shirt is a little baggier)

(The shirt is a little baggier)

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𖦹𝕊𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒 ℂ𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕖~𖦹 ʷⁱˡᵇᵘʳ ˢᵒᵒᵗ ˣ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐᵃˡᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now