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Trigger Warnings for this chapter : Mentions of abu$3, alc0h0/ use, s3lf hrm, and manipulation

Wilbur spoke in a soft worried tone, frowning, "What happened? Why are you so scared..?"

My eyes widened. I knew why I was so scared. I just didn't want to say it. I bit my lip, my eyes littering with soft tears as I bit hard on my lip to try and keep them from falling. I suddenly remembered everything. I remembered him. The smell. The bruises... And the god forsaken words he so frequently cursed me with.


~~ flashback <3 ~~

"WHY CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING CORRECTLY!?!" drunken screams filled the trashed apartment as I was thrown to the cold floor.

I tried to stand but quickly fell down as I was punched in the gut, leaving me breathless. I gripped my stomach and gasped for air. I was forced to look up by a yank on my hair. New tears fell down my already tear stained face as I was screamed at even more...

~~ flashback end <3 ~~

"(Y/n)..? Hey it's okay..." Wilbur looked into my eyes softly, smiling, trying to reassure me that everything was okay. "You can cry if you need to... I won't do anything."

And that's where I broke. Long awaited tears fell down my cheeks and I was met with Wilbur's warm embrace. I soon melted into his arms, relaxing in the needed affection as I let out years of bottled up feelings. Who knew that all you needed was one person to help you get so much out...

Wilbur gently rubbed my back, staying quiet as to not break the comfortable 'silence' we sat in. Besides my sniffles and sobs, it was just us in the quiet room. Eventually, as all things must end some how, Wilbur spoke, breaking the already slightly broken silence between us.

"Will you tell me what's going on..?"

I nodded and then began explaining what had happened a few years prior, "A while ago, I had moved in with my, now ex, boyfriend because my mother had gotten extremely manipulative and mentally abusive... I didn't know he was an alcoholic though. I found that out extremely quickly. I dealt with his abuse and alcoholism for two years before I was finally able to leave him and get my own place... I started streaming again to help support myself but I till haven't been able to fully recover from the experience..." I looked down after I had finished and quite honestly expected to be called dramatic. But I wasn't.

Wilbur pulled me back into a hug, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that... But please, know that I wouldn't do anything like that, or even think about hurting you."

I bit my lip again, fighting back more tears that threatened to spill, "I... I know I just... Wilbur, I really really like you and I'm scared I'm gonna fuck everything up again... I don't wanna ruin our friendship because of my feelings..."

Wilbur gently placed a hand under my chin and lifted it to make me look at him, "(y/n), Do you 'really like me' or do you love me..? Because I will straight up tell you that I love you."

My eyes widened as I felt my face heat up. I did love him. I was just so scared to say it. I wanted to but I didn't know how. I let out a small breath I'd heald in and opened my mouth to speak, only to close it again.

I eventually just nodded and spoke the first thing that came to my mind, "I love you, Wilbur. With all my heart..."

Wilbur let out a small chuckle and smiled, "I love you too, (Y/n)"

I grinned softly and looked up at Wilbur, who gently wiped the tears off of my wet cheeks. I placed my hand on top of his and he gently rubbed my cheek.

"Can I kiss you without you running away now? Orrr.... Is that still a possibility?" Wilbur spoke sarcastically.

"Oh shut it." I laughed quietly.

He chuckled and looked down for a moment before looking back up, "But seriously, may I?"

I smiled, "yes please."

Wilbur's warm lips pressed against mine and the space between us closed. We parted and he pulled me into his lap as he gently poked my nose.

I giggled softly and his face flushed red, "God, you're such a cutie... Y'know that (Y/n)..?"

••• End~

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☁︎☁︎   ᯾762 words᯾>~~✈︎   ☁︎
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Ahhh I hope you enjoyed this story I'm sorry if the ending was awkward

But if you enjoyed that's great!! :)

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