chapter 3: i don't want to lose you

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Deidara woke up to the red head poking his face repeatedly. Would this be their new morning ritual? Except it wasn't even morning yet... The room was still dark... The blonde groaned, rolling away from his boyfriend. "Stop it, Danna. I want to sleep, hmmm." He heard Sasori get off the bed, so he opened his eyes to glance at him. "I guess you don't want to go on missions anymore? You asked me the other day so I figured I'd give you the option." Sasori made a confused expression. "If you don't want to go anymore, I guess it can't be helped." "I do... Just tired... Wake me up 15 minutes before you leave, hmm..." The bomber whined, throwing a pillow at his Danna. Sasori threw Deidara's clothes on top of him. "Here, get dressed if you're going, I'm leaving now." Scurrying out of bed, the blonde did as Sasori commanded. If he'd waited any longer he knew the red head would leave without him. "Danna! Wait up, I'm coming too, hm!"

When he made it outside, Deidara was disapointed to see Sasori had decided to go in Hiruko. He was exhausted, and now he couldn't even see Sasori... At least he had his company though... Well, sorta, Sasori tended to get ten times crankier when he was in Hiruko... Maybe he really hadn't changed at all but just the fact that it was hard to take the cute red head seriously. Nevermind the ugly puppet, what time was it anyway? It had to be like 5am... or earlier... Deidara groaned, "Danna, why do we have to leave so early, hm?"

"Stop complaining, Deidara. You didn't have to come." Hiruko said gruffly. Deidara frowned, "I know. I came to see you, hm." "Well look at me and shut up then." The blonde was unamused, "Smartass." Silence ensued for a few minutes until the bomber spoke again. "I'm going to die I'm so tired!" "I've never heard of anyone dying from being tired, keep walking." Hiruko replied smugly. Deidara made a tsch sound. "Danna, is there room in Hiruko for two people?" "No." The red head answered quickly. "Yes there is! I've seen you work on him all the time so I know! Can I come in with you, Danna? Please, I'll be good for my master." Deidara begged, putting his hands together.

Hiruko trudded along, ignoring him. "Danna!" The blonde whined, "What if I give you a hand job?" He held up his hand and the tongue flopped out teasingly. "What do you say, Sasori no Danna?" Deidara asked, trying to be seductive. The red head blushed from inside his puppet, clear what he wanted. "Deidara, stop being a whore." Hiruko growled. "I'm not! You're my boyfriend so... I thought it was okay, hm." Deidara mumbled, playing with a piece of his hair out of embarassment. Sasori sighed from inside Hiruko and explained, "I know, just not on missions. I hate keeping people waiting so, I'm not going to stop and fuck you... As much as I would like to..." The blonde blushed, feeling embarassed for mentioning it now, "I know! I was kidding anyway!" He shouted flustered.

Sasori chuckled lightly, "It's okay. If you stop complaining and be a good brat, I might have something planned for you later." Deidara's face lit up, "Okay! What is it, Danna?" "I'm not telling you. I don't think you can go that long without complaining so it probably wont happen anyway." The blonde frowned, "Shut up! I can too!"

Once they made it to thier destination, the sun had just risen. It was just a small town in god knows where. Deidara wasn't really one to keep track of directions, Sasori probably knew though. "Danna, you never even told me. What're we doing?" The blonde whined in confusion, looking around the vacant town. The towns people were probably all sleeping... What he wished he was doing right now. "Strike one." "What?" Deidara raised an eyebrow. "You're complaining." "No, I'm not! I was just asking." The blonde frowned, crossing his arms as he followed Sasori who he stopped by a shop. After entering, Sasori got out of Hiruko and returned him to his scroll. What a shock that probably was for the shop girl, Deidara thought amused.

"Danna! You finally got out of that ugly puppet!" The blonde exclaimed, hugging him from behind. The girl from behind the counter blushed, "M-master Sasori!" She stuttered, twirling her orange-brown hair absentmindedly. Deidara squinted his eyes, holding on to the red head possessively. Who did she think she was, calling -his- Sasori like that? How did she even know him? "You brought someone with you today? Is he your friend?" The girl asked in her quiet voice. "Uhm! I'm sorry, I don't mean to be nosey..." She twiddled her thumbs, so meek and mild... Her eyes were baby blue. She looked so pure and innocent and kinda beautiful, Deidara thought. Not in a 'he wanted to get with her' way but he was kind of jealous by her cute, angelic demeaner. She better not get any ideas about -his- Danna!

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