chapter 6: time apart!

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Deidara groaned as he walked through the forest with his Sasori no Danna. This was their sixth mission in a row and he was really getting tired. It didn't help with the pregnancy either; it was just making him more tired than usual. Danna was always cranky and in that damn puppet so he really wasn't much company either... The blonde rubbed his groggy eyes. "Danna, I'm so tired. Can't we take a break, hm?" He whined. "Deidara, we don't have time for breaks. We need all the extra time we can get incase things don't go as planned." Hiruko explained, like he hadn't already heard that explanation every mission. It was sweet that Sasori was so worried about him... but did he have to take things so seriously? What would one little nap hurt?

"Hm, I know." Deidara sighed sadly. "Hey brat." Hiruko said a bit quieter than usual. The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Hey Danna?" The puppet nin stayed quiet for a while before speaking. "You can... come inside Hiruko with me if you want... I mean just so you get your rest. But once you're done, you get out, go it!?" It was strange to hear Hiruko talk that way, it almost made Deidara chuckle. "Okay, Danna!" He said enthusiastically as the red head opened Hiruko up. "Come on, you're wasting time." Sasori said in an irritated voice and Deidara climbed in unsurely.

Once he was situated, he wrapped his arms around Sasori from behind. "I missed you so much, Sasori no Danna!" The red head made an unhappy face and turned his head around slightly. "I'm closing him up now, so... make sure you're comfortable." Deidara nodded as Hiruko enclosed around them. This sucked, It was dark so now he couldn't even see Danna anymore. At least he could be close to him though. He rested his head on Sasori's shoulder as the puppet began to move. It felt strange and the motion almost made him sick. But the blonde wouldn't complain, he could rest now.

"Danna..." Deidara said thoughtfully. "Imagine if we had sex in here, hm." "Go to sleep." Sasori said unamused, not going to admit the thought was now in stuck his mind. It was taking all his self restraint from acting on it. "I was just joking." The boy giggled from behind him. "I guess we don't really have time to have sex nowadays... hm." "I said go to sleep..." The red head urged. Deidara's mouth turned to a grin, "Wow, Danna. Did I tease you?" "No." Sasori said quickly... A bit too quickly, the blonde thought with amusement.

"Hey, I want to sit in your lap, hm." Deidara decided, moving around in the puppet. "Deidara, sit down. You're going to get stuck." Sasori replied with irritation. "Nope, I've got this!" The blonde said with enthusiasm, attempting to climb over the shorter boys shoulder. "Get your butt out of my face!" The red head shouted. The blonde chuckled, "Oh? Is it turning you on?" "No, you're pissing me off!" "There we go!" Deidara plopped down on the other boys lap and wrapped his arms and legs around him like a koala. "Now you're in the way." Sasori muttered. "Just pretend I'm not here." The blonde said, resting his head over the others shoulder and getting comfortable. His brown eyes squinted and he sighed. "Whatever. Just sleep now, okay?"

It wasn't long afterwards until the blonde was snoring in his ear. The red head smiled to himself. Deidara was annoying as hell, but he couldn't live without him. Once Hiruko made it to the village, he went to get a hotel. Sasori didn't want Deidara to come on the mission this time. He could take care of it, as the blonde needed his rest. "Room for one." Hiruko said gruffly to the girl at the front desk. She seemed a bit afraid. It was amusing, the reactions people had to Hiruko. The girl squeaked as he grabbed the key with his tail and headed off to the room.

Wriggling free, and careful not to wake his sleeping partner, Sasori lifted him up to the bed. Deidara looked so innocent while he was sleeping. He would probably be mad to be left out of the mission but it would be better than him getting hurt. Sasori kissed the blondes cheek. "I'll be back." He whispered, not expecting Deidara to hear.

The blonde whined in his sleep, shifting and eventually opening his eyes. The room was dark but he was definitely in a hotel room. Wait, did Sasori listen to him and let them take a break? But it was night-time! Now they wouldn't have time to finish the mission! "Danna!" Deidara shouted, lifting himself to sit up. Sasori was sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at him. "What's wrong?" The red asked, raising an eyebrow. "The mission... it's so late now... hmm." The bomber fretted. The other boy smirked at him, amused. "Don't worry so much, I took care of it."

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