chapter 5: it's you who saves me

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"You guys are leaving already?" Masahiko caught up to Sasori and Deidara before they were about to leave the village. She held her hand up to her chest in fear. "Yes, we have to go back to the organization. I already thanked you for your help girl, did you need a payment or something?" The red head asked irritated. She shook her head sadly, "No, it's not that. I've just... started to think of you two as friends and now you're leaving..." Deidara stepped forward, clearly being the more personable of the two. Which... didn't really say much. He made an uncomfortable expression, glancing off to the right instead of looking her in the eye. "This is so ridiculous... but hey you only live once...Hmm." He sighed. Sasori glanced over to Deidara with curiosity.

"You know, girl. You're... a pretty cool person. You've done a lot for me and Danna and... I...erm... You know... think of you as a friend now too." Masahiko's face lit up with happiness, "Really, Deidara? Thank you! It's been a long time since someone has wanted to be my friend... See, it gets so lonely in this village... And, wow, I'm babbling! I'm sorry!" Deidara chuckled, "Wow, and I thought you were the quiet type, hm," The girl blushed uncomfortably, "Uhm yes... Deidara, Sasori was telling me yesterday that you like fleeting art... I just... will you please show me fireworks sometime?" Deidara smirked, "Sure, hm! Look Danna, at least one other person has good taste in art."

Sasori squinted his eyes, irritated. "Yay!" The girl gushed, "Don't worry Master, I like your art too." The red head nodded, "I'll... see you around then?" He said awkwardly, clearly not wanting to upset the girl who cared so much about them... Though it was still beyond him as to why. "We should hurry up, Deidara. We're already late as it is." The blonde, nodded, looking back at her sadly. "Bye. I'm sorry." Masahiko bit her lip then hugged Deidara tightly. "Take care of yourself, please!" After letting go, she backed away from embarrassment. "Bye, you two! Oh, and can I be your baby's' Auntie?" Deidara chuckled, remembering a certain idiot asking to be its uncle, "Sure and I should really introduce you to this dummy I know. I think you would get along great." "Haha, sure!" The girl smiled and waved enthusiastically until they were out of sight.

After leaving the small village behind them, Deidara got bored of walking in silence. "Sasori no Danna?" "What is it, brat?" Sasori replied in a bored tone. The blonde made an uneasy expression, "You seem so cranky today, hm." "I'm not." The red head reassured. Deidara squinted his eyes, "You sort of are. What's wrong, Danna? Are you worried how we will explain this to Pein?" Sasori stayed silent as they walked along. "Danna?" The blonde asked curiously. "Will he really care if we're a day late, hm?" "It's not just that. Pein doesn't like the fact that one of his members is... you know." Sasori explained, emotion void from his tone. What was he thinking?

Deidara made a confused expression before realizing what the other meant and frowned. "I don't care what Pein thinks. He can kick me out if he's so against it, hm. I don't care about this stupid organization anyway. I just stay here because of you and to gain opportunities to show off my art, hm." Sasori smirked, "I thought you wanted revenge on Itachi too? For making a fool of you?" "That too! I'll teach that arrogant Uchiha the meaning of true art, hm!" The blonde said with determination and the other boy chuckled. "Deidara, you're really cute. First, you're going to protect me and now you're going to defeat Itachi Uchiha?" "One of these days I will, hm!" Deidara frowned. "Stop treating me like I'm so much weaker than everyone else... like a kid that will never catch up to the adults, hm." "I'll treat you just how you act." Sasori smirked. "By that logic I should treat you like an asshole?" Deidara mumbled. Sasori stopped, making the blonde's expression turn to worried. Did he piss Danna off? Sasori leaned upwards and kissed his lips softly. "Deidara, you know I'm not an asshole. I'll admit maybe I underestimate you sometimes but... you're special to me and I don't want you to get hurt." Deidara blushed bright red, "I know! I was joking!"

Sasori smiled lightly then walked on ahead. He didn't want to tell Deidara what would really happen if Pein decided to kick him out of Akatsuki... It wasn't that simple. They were an organization and Deidara knew a lot about their plots and secrets... He wouldn't just be kicked out... but he would be killed. It would be okay though, Sasori wasn't going to let that happen. Nothing would ever happen to Deidara if he could prevent it first.

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