Moved to Orario 1 Month Ago.

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Maple: "Let's see, I need to get registered as an adventurer, find a familia to join who will also let my family in, and find a babysitter to watch the twins..." I said while cradling Elsie and Arthur, whom have both fallen asleep. "Mom's asleep too..." I set the twins down in the cradle and covered them with a blanket. I also covered mom with a blanket. 'It's already morning. Did I stay up all night again?' I walked to the mirror and saw some faint eye bags. 'My complexion isn't looking too good either. They all just had to wake up in the morning.' I sighed.

I grabbed my cloak, sword, and headed out. It was still early morning, but I was already awake so I might as well make some money. On my way to the dungeon, I made a list of what we needed: cloth diapers, formula, more medicine, more clothes for the twins, sewing set, and groceries. I better hurry before the twins and mom wake up.

*Time Skip*

I finished my raid and went to the guild to exchange the stones for valis.

Random Guild Worker: "70,000 valis."  He gave me four bags of valis. Which I put in my cloak. As I was about to walk out, I walked into somebody.

???: "Ack!"

Maple: "Ah. I'm sorry, are you okay?" I started to gather the papers she dropped and gave her a hand.

???: "Oh- thank you for your help!" She was a quite flustered and bowed. "Sorry for bumping into you." She said.

Maple: "It's fine. Have a nice day." And I left the guild.

It looked like she wanted to say something to me, but I wanted to get back home to make sure nothing happened. I grabbed my list and tried to shop as fast as I can... I got everything else, but I still need the sewing set. Where am I gonna find that? I decided to ask someone nearby.

Maple: "Excuse me, do you know where I can buy a sewing set?" I asked a random person.

???: "Hm? A sewing set?" The girl with silver hair repeated. She was also wearing a green maid uniform.

Maple: "Yes."

???: "Well, if you want, you can have mine. I don't actually use it so it's just sitting in my room. Stay here, I'll go get it!" She ran off rather excited.

Maple: "Ah! Wait! You don't— and she's gone." I followed her inside. And saw other people in the same uniform at her. It looked this was a restaurant. 'Hostess of Fertility? Is it a brothel or...?'

???: "Hey kid! Move outta the way!" I turned to see a large woman holding some boxes. Just as she was about to run into me, I dodged and moved out of her way.

Maple: "My apologies for getting in your way." I bowed.

???: "It's alright. But what are you doing here? It's not opening time yet." She set the boxes down and faced me.

???: "Sorry Mama Mia! I told him he could have my sewing kit." The girl from before came running down with the sewing kit in her hands.

Mama Mia: "Your sewing kit? What for Syr?"

Syr: "Well I'm not actually using it, so I might as well give it to him." She handed me the sewing kit.

Maple: "Are sure I can take this? I can at least pay you."

Syr: "Please, it's no trouble! But, if you really want to make it up to me... come here tonight for dinner!" She said brightly.

Maple: "I can't actually. I have to take care of my family. But I can still pay you fo-"

Syr: "Well why can't you bring your family too?" She cut off.

Maple: "I've walked by this place at night, but it's not exactly appropriate for a sick grandmother and twin babies to spend their time. I'm sorry I can't attend, but thank you for the sewing kit." I walked out without letting them say another word.

I walked back home and checked on mom and the twins. Mom was in the rocking chair working on some embroidery with her worn out sewing kit.

Mom: She looked up at me "OH! Goodness you scared me!" She put her embroidery down and gestured me to come over. I walked toward her and kneeled down in front of her. "Welcome home June Bug!" She pat my head.

Maple: "...I'm home." As I looked at her, all I could feel was pity for her and the condition she was in.

I don't know what it's called, but after June died (my sister and the twins mom), she's been calling me by her name. At first I thought she mistook me for her because the first time she called me that, I had long hair and in the right lighting it looked like my sister's auburn hair. That's the reason I cut it.

Maple: I looked down at her embroidery. "You can stop using that kit. I got a new one for you." I handed her the new sewing kit.

Mom: "Why thank you June Bug! You're the best daughter anyone could ask for. You've even blessed me with grandchildren." She smiled at me.

Maple: "...I'm going to make dinner." I walked downstairs and started to prep. 'Pasta would be good for tonight.' I brought out the tomatoes and started to make the sauce and dough.

As I was working, the twins woke up. I also brought out the toys to keep them occupied, and used magic to keep a little gate up so they don't get into trouble. As I continued working, I wondered how I was going to get into a Familia. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually ask the guild.

Arthur: "ah." I stopped and turned towards Art. "Aawaba!" (BTW random a baby sounds)

Maple: "Pfft." I held my hand over my mouth.

Elsie: "Awooo-ba!" The more noises they made, the mare it was hard to contain my laughter. When I looked down at both of them, they were already laughing. And I burst out laughing too. The first time I truly laughed since June died.

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