I'm Going to Join Loki's Familia.

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Arthur/Elsie: "WAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!"

Maple: "Ssssshhhhhhh... pleeeeeaaaaassssssse." I sighed "It's five in the morning."

Arthur/Elsie: *SCREECH/CRY*

Maple: "It's five in the morning!" I yelled back at them.

After finally dru-I mean calming them down, the babysitter came over and I left immediately, not bothering to greet her.

Maple: "What the hell has gotten into those two?" I yawned and grabbed an apple along the way. I stopped walking in front of a castle. I looked up as it dawned over me. "Charming." I walked towards the guards and they stopped me.

Guard 2: "What is your business here?" He said coldly.

Maple: "My name is Maple Leywin. I'm here to join the Loki familia." I bowed.

Guard 2: "You want to join our familia?" He repeated. I nodded. He studied me and looked at me in doubt. "Alright then, I'll grab one of the executives."

Maple: "Thank you." I waited for a couple of minutes and wondered about what was going on with mom. She didn't wake up, even when the twins were screaming their heads off. I hope she's just tired.

Guard 1: "Why the glum look?" He asked, his arm crossed.

Maple: "...It's nothing." I replied. I returned my expression to my normal poker face.

Guard 1: He stared at me for a minute. "You know if you do end up joining the familia, you're gonna have to share what's on your mind." He continued "We're all family here. So if you can't do that, than you can't join the familia."

Maple: "I understand. Thank you for the advice." I doubt I will though. When I looked past him, I saw the other guard coming back.

Guard 2: "Alright kid, follow me." He waved me over to him and walked over. "Come on! We don't have all day!" He yelled.

Guard 1: "Hey, take it-"

Maple: "It's fine." I cut him off. "It's not like I should actually care. But if anything, you should learn some patience." I pointed toward the second guard.

Guard 2: "What did you say punk-!" He grabbed my shoulder and stopped me from walking. "You need to learn some manners." He squeezed my shoulder. When I looked back at him he had an angry, ugly look on his face.

Maple:  I grabbed his wrist and took it off my shoulder. "It seems you need to learn to control your temper too." I squeezed hard until he pulled it back. He winced and rubbed his wrist, a confused expression on his face. "If you would please lead the way." I bowed deeply and gestured my hands toward the door.

Guard 2: "Grrr" His earlier expression was replaced with a scowl. "Cocky bastard."

We walked into the mansion. It was more inviting than I thought it would be. We continued to walk until we reached a double door.

Guard 2: He knocked on the door. "Excuse me sir, I have the examinee."

???: "Bring him in."

Maple: I walked in and saw short muscular man sitting at a desk. I could easily tell he was stronger than me. So he must be one of the executives. I bowed before I introduced myself. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir." When I got a look at the short man; he had light brown hair and eyes, along with facial hair long enough to be called a beard.

Gareth: He studied me. "Hmm... likewise. Come sit." He gestured his hand toward the seat across from him with a gentle smile. I sat across from him and started with the interview. "What's your name?"

Maple: "Maple Leywin."

Gareth: "Birthdate, place of birth..." He continued with the questions and I answered without hesitation. When the interview ended, I asked him the first question I wished he had the answer I hoped it would be.

Maple: "If I do become apart of this familia, may my family live here to? I'm currently the only one who can take care of them." I bowed my head.

Gareth: He stroked his beard. "We've never had to deal with this sort of thing. How many people are in your family?"

Maple: "Four, including me."

Gareth: "Ages?"

Maple: "An elderly woman and twin infants."

Gareth: "Alright, I'll think about it. You may leave." He continued with his paperwork, and before I opened the door, it slammed into my face.

???: "Hey Gareth! I heard we got a new recruit!" She walked in and looked at me. "Huh?" I held my nose and groaned in pain.

Maple: "Ow..."

???: "Whoops! Sorry, tee-hee!" She made a face with her tongue sticking out.

Gareth: "Hello Loki." He looked to me and asked "Are you okay?" worriedly.

Maple: I lowered my hand and saw blood on it. "...It's nothing." I looked at the redhead. "What's your name?"

Loki: "The name's Loki! I'm the goddess of this familia." She said proudly.

Maple: "...I see. My name is Maple. I haven't been told that I will join this familia, but I hope you can consider in me joining, and consider my request." I bowed to her. "Now, I'll take my leave."

I left and went to the dungeon. I decided to go to floor 30 and find some new prey. If I get excepted in the Loki Familia, we'll probably get more money than what I usually get. Maybe.

• • •

I arrived at floor 30, and the monsters were a bit more challenging. I decided to get some training in. The first monster was-... scratch that, my first battle against about... over a dozen five meter tall dinosaurs. Should be enough to train. So, they charged at me and I got to work.

Maple: I killed the first three. I looked at my hand. "Hm. I was expecting more of a challenge. Since I don't know what my level is, I should go on a killing spree until I know my limit." Another came at me and I used magic to kill it this time. My magic doesn't require a chant or words. I just influence it using the magic particles around me, no one other than me can really do it. *Sigh* "I need to head home and get some medicine for my mother so," I sheathed my sword and held out my hand towards them. I prepared a spell big enough to kill all of them. "i'll make sure to do this as quick and painless as possible." They started to run away, but I released the spell before they could get away.

I returned to the surface and made my way to the guild.

Guild member: "...2 million valis." he said in a bit of shock. Honestly, that surprised me since his tone always sounded depressed.

Eina: "WHAT!" I winced and turned around. "2 MILLION VALIS?!"

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