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After Eina calmed down:

Eina: "Do you have no limit?" She sighed.

Maple: "Why do you sound disappointed?" I asked, sweat dropping.

Eina: "Oh, I'm not!" She waved her hands. "I'm just surprised that the number went up by that much."

Maple: "Well, I guess that makes sense." I held my chin. "800,000 to 2 million is quite a bit."

Eina: "It's more than just a bit Maple." She sweatdropped.

Maple: "You're right, I guess it is more than just a bit."

Eina: "Now that you know," she stood up "What do you plan on doing next?"

Maple: I also stood up and walked towards the door. Eina followed. "Well, if the familia thing doesn't work out, I can always join another. And if anyone doesn't want me, I'll continue to explore the dungeon."

Eina: She looked down. "Hey, Maple?"

Maple: "Yes?"

Eina: "I'm okay with you going to dungeon and all. And I have trust in you and your skills." She hesitated "But, please don't push yourself. The dungeon is a scary place. You never know when you may die." She looked up at me, and put on a small solemn smile. "So please, be careful."

Maple: "..." I grabbed my neck. "Been awhile since anyone ever told me to be careful." Well really it's only been three months, but still. And she really meant it too. "Thank you Eina." I smiled softly.

Eina: She blushed. "O-of course! I-I should be worried about you! I am y-your advisor after all!" She flailed. She moved back a bit too much and hit her head. "Ow!"

Maple: "You're so clumsy. I'll see you tomorrow Eina." I left the guild and walked home.

Eina POV

Eina: 'That's the first time I've ever seen him smile. I wonder what he would look like if he smiled more.' I thought about Maple and imagined him smiling at me... I blushed madly to the point Misha asked me if I was okay. What is wrong with me? My face still feels warm...

Maple POV

I walked home and paid the babysitter... also saying sorry for not greeting her, telling her the whole story about this morning. Thankfully, she forgave me. I started prepping dinner, while the twins were playing. Mom was sleeping again. She isn't supposed to be sleeping this much. What's going on with her? I continued to make dinner while the twins were playing with a ball I bought.

Elsie: "aaaaaaaahh."

Arthur: "oooooooooohh."

Maple: 'I wonder how much time they will need to start speaking properly.'

Mom: "What're you making for dinner Junebug?"

Maple: "Mom?" I turned around too quickly and accidentally cut my hand. "Ow."

Mom: "Oh dear!" She said walking towards me.

Maple: "I'm fine mom, it's just a scratch." I grabbed a towel and pressed it on my wound.

Mom: "Oh no. It's bleeding quite a lot. Here let me-" She reached her hand toward me and I slapped it away. All of us were silent. Mom was shocked and the twins even stopped what they were doing to look at what happened, but they went back to playing shortly after.

Maple: I'm not sure why, but I felt fear. "Sorry." I walked away to calm myself. I healed myself using magic. Sighing, I put my hand on my head. 'Calm your self Maple.' I walked back to the kitchen and Mom asked if I was okay. I reassured her I was fine and continued to make dinner.

That Night

Maple: I stared at the ceiling and I heard the twins snore softly. "I can't sleep." I got up, put on my coat and took an evening stroll. I walked for a while and ended up in front of the dungeon. "I must've walked here unconsciously." I stared at the dungeon. I put my hand towards my eyes and realized I didn't put on my blindfold. "Well, it's not like anyone would be out here at this hour." I walked to a bench and sat down. Watching the stars, some memories came back.

*Flashback (ten years ago)*

Maple: "Big sister, where are we going?" I asked groggily. I was still half asleep when she was holding me, walking through the forest.

June: "I wanna show you something. And big brother is gonna come with us."

Maple: "Really?" I snapped my head up and stared at my sister with stars in my eyes.

June: She giggles. "You really love your big brother don't you?"

Maple: I nodded my head furiously. "Big brother is amazing! He's so cool, he can use magic! He's been teaching me how to use the sword!"

June: "What? Since when?"

Maple: "I asked him to when I went through dad's chest. I saw a whole bunch a books and pictures in there. I even saw a picture of dad with other people!" I said excitedly.

June: She stopped walking. "Maple."

Maple: "Yeah?"

June: "You know dad doesn't like it when you look through his stuff." She said concerned

Maple: "I know! But it just makes me more curious. But I'll stop if you want me to Big sis." I smiled at her.

Aither: "Good. We'd hate to have you grounded and miss out on training."

Maple: "Big Brother Aither!" June let me go and I ran to Aither, jumping in his arms.

Aither: "Hey there little bro!" He caught me and he stumbled a bit. "Whoa! You've gotten strong. Have you been training those muscles?"

Maple: "Yup! One day, I'll be as strong as you big brother!"

Aither: "Nah." He said ruffling my hair. "You'll be even stronger." I smiled at him in admiration. "Now for the surprise." We walked to a field and there was a sword in stone.

Maple: "What's that doing here?" I asked. "I've never seen it before."

Aither: "That is the Sword of the Forest."

Maple: "You mean the one you told me about in the stories?!" I asked excitedly.

June: "Yup." She chuckled.

Maple: "The sword in the stone that traveled the entire world to look for it's successor. Can I try?"

June: "Sure thing." Aither put me down and I ran over to it. I had to climb the stone a bit to reach it. I grabbed it by the handle with both hands and pulled upwards. It came pretty smoothly. I expected it to be a bit harder.

Maple: "I did it!" The sword looked like a black cane without the handle. When I unsheathed it, it glowed a beautiful translucent blue. That's when it shocked my hand, making it bleed. "Ouch!"

June: "Maple!" She ran over to me. "Are you okay?" She held my left hand, which got shocked. "You're bleeding!"

Maple: "I'm fine big sis." I grinned.

June: "Aither, maybe this isn't such a good idea." She stood and faced him as he walked over.

Aither: "Whether it's a good idea or isn't doesn't matter anymore." He bent down and picked up the sword. "The sword chose him. That's all that matters."


A/N: Sorry for the late chapter. A lot was going on this week and school work piled up. Also, I'm trying to post at least one chapter a week. What day it will be, depends on how much work I have.

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