Desire | Kim Hongjoong (jealous dom!bf au)

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Enough was enough.

You sighed as you wiped your finger across the red lipstick print on your glass of vodka, scoffing at the whole situation you were in- alone, at a bar, nearly drunk, your boyfriend at home cooling off after the hot argument you've just had.

Truth be told, you weren't one to leave after argument- you weren't one to fight over meaningless stuff. But it was your one year anniversary with you boyfriend Hongjoong, and though you were always going on about how anniversaries weren't really important, you had expected Hongjoong to do something, at least.

At least remember it.

You hadn't expected him to not remember the date that marked one year together. It had been quite a hell of a day that had set your beginning of your relationship, after all- one that involved Hongjoong (previously best friend) getting into a fight with your blind date because they were rude to you and Hongjoong having had followed you from a distance to make sure you weren't 'uncomfortable' had witnessed it, unfortunately.

Sure, you could handle a rude guy very well. You had been more angry at Hongjoong who had followed you to keep an eye on you despite your insistence on not to, and it had ended up with you two arguing loudly in front of the poor guy who was your blind date.

Which had then ended up to Hongjoong loudly confessing his feelings for you in front of the already curious onlookers- which had turned to you finding yourself in a hysterical fit of laughter because wow. He could not have been more obvious.

He could not have been more obvious indeed. You always somehow knew he had some feelings for you- more than a best friend should. It was the way he would always look at you after having unintentionally touched you- making even a simple brush of hands seem like a big deal. Or the way he always smiled at the way you laughed. Or the way he'd make prolonged eye contact with you whenever you talked about something interesting.

You knew- but you were also doubting yourself- maybe that was just you. Maybe you were reading too much into it. Maybe you were expecting something from the guy who only wanted to be your best friend. Whatever it was, you knew you weren't going to take the first step because you were scared it would change something between you two forever, in a bad way, and you did not want that.

So when Hongjoong had finally confessed- in the most dramatic way possible- you couldn't help but laugh at the whole irony of the situation. You had then kissed Hongjoong in front of 20 people- something you still got embarrassed over.

So with all that dramatic start, you figured Hongjoong would have remembered the anniversary. But you shouldn't have expected that. Expectations usually led to disappointment.

You sighed as you downed another drink, the bartender eyeing you because you were clearly drunk now.

"A simple hug would have been nice," you muttered, "or even flowers. Or maybe we could have danced."

"Does this pretty lady want a dance?"

You smiled as you heard the words, but the smile dropped in an instance when you realized that you hadn't heard these words in your head.

"Uh, who are you?"

The man sitting right next to you was quite tall, you noticed. Or maybe you were too short- Hongjoong was average but he could still tower over you with a good few inches. But the man in front of her, with glorious messy black hair and eyes sharp, plump lips curved in a seductive smile-

He was hot.

"The name's Seonghwa," He said, motioning the bartender to fill their glasses, "And it looks like you could use a distraction."

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