Chapter 6: I-Ink?!

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Noot boi's POV
I yawned, and stretched, waking up slowly. I could smell pancakes from the kitchen. "I wonder who's making breakfast." I slowly got up off my bed, and made my way to the kitchen. 'Ooh! Horror's cooking!' I thought. The smell of the pancakes had filled the kitchen. "Morning Horror!" "Morning Boss." I yawned again. "Well. I'll go see if the others are up." "Ok then Boss. Breakfast will be ready soon." "Got it Horror, thanks!" "No problem." I walked upstairs, and opened the door to Error's room, quietly. Of course, he was asleep, and Dream was cuddling into him. I decided to give them a couple more minutes. I walked back put to the hallway, shut the door, and headed towards Dust's room. I opened his door, and saw Blue sleeping on his bed. 'Hm..Where's Dust?' I thought. I decided to wake Blue up anyway. "Hey Blue. Wake up." "H-Hm..O-Oh Nightmare. W-Where's Dust?" "Don't know. But Horror's almost finished breakfast." "O-Ok." He got up, and headed down stairs. I walked to Ink's room, to tell him breakfast was ready, since he was always the first one up. I knocked on Ink's door, because I didn't want to barge in. I waited for a few minutes. "No answer. Hm..That's..odd." I knocked again, hoping he would answer this time. Another few minutes passed, and there was still no answer. "Something's not right.. What if he's hurt..." I decided to check. I opened his door, and he was laying unconscious in a pool of ink of the floor. I felt sick. What happened to Ink?! Tears started forming in the corners of my eye sockets. I couldn't do anything in that moment. Tears rolled down my face. I was in shock, and worry. I felt like I was going to scream. No. I was gonna scream. As more tear fell down my face, I screamed. "I-Ink!"

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