Nodle is an adult action/drama show, taking place in Florida. It's about a wolf dragon named Venom, with a main goal of taking down a group of Shadow Gators who wants to delete Publix from existence, and will take down anyone who tries to stop them. This show's script is a one man's passion project.CAST:
This is Venom, the main character! I've had him since 2018. This character generally came first before The show. As soon as I made other characters, I have decided that I should make a story line and setting built just for them. Then when I heard adult action show aren't a thing, I've decided to turn it into a show!
This is Hisani, Venom's adoptive brother (yes Venom's adopted) and whenever he puts on his mask, he turns part demon
Action[SCRIPT OUTDATED: TONS of new lore has been added.) Nodle is a adult action/drama show about a wolf dragon named Venom, with a main goal of taking down a group of Shadow Gators who wants to delete Publix from existence, and will take down anyone wh...