Chapter 5

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I groggily awaken to find myself curled up in my blankets with a spicy masculine scent flooding my nose. I greedily inhale that intoxicating aroma I hadn't smelt for years. It must be a part of my dream or something. But I heard you couldn't smell in your dreams?

"Argh..." I stretch and my elbow bangs into the muscled chest behind me. I get a shock and cry out, turning around I see Xavier had been lying beside me, with one arm wrapped tightly around my waist. He lets me go now with a slight smirk on his mouth - looking amused.

I scramble out of the bed and stand up, shocked, face going red.

Back in the past Xavier had always used me for my blood - but never done anything else to me. He hadn't even kissed me - but I knew I was his. He used to remind me of it every day, it was an annoying habit. Back then I was too young for him to make more of a move on, now was a different story. But there was no way he was going down that path with me.

I would never let him.

I don't care how bloody handsome he looked reclining on my bed, the curtains now open. It was night time once more.

"Sleep well?" he grumbles low, his eyes looking hooded with desire as he stares at me standing, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties on.

"Why are you still here?" I ask with a dry tone, giving him a blank expression. After years of vampires using me up for my blood and sometimes my body - I knew how to put on a face no matter what situation I was in.

Xavier just stares at me and I almost find myself blushing - but I quickly get that under control.

"I can take care of myself," I say confidently, "It's night time so you can leave me. Thank you for coming back," it takes all my strength to say this part, but I hope my politeness will get him to leave faster, "but I just want to live a normal life now."

"With your sister a zombie, your emotionally and physically abusive parents as cold hearted vampires - and an evil witch wanting to use you in an assassination attempt at my own palace?" Xavier moves off the bed at lightning speed until he is standing in front of me, grabbing my chin and relishing my loss of control as I start to tremble, "Mmmm?"

It takes me a second to remember to breathe and I pull my head out of his grip and take a step back.

"Where were you those three years?" I ask - changing the subject. I didn't need to acknowledge that he made my admission to live a normal life sound completely ridiculous.

"Searching for my mother," he admits openly.

"I thought she was..." dead. Well - I didn't want to say it after I see the look in his eyes turn very cold and deadly.

"In a way she is," he says seriously. After a few moments he looks me up and down and smells the air, tilting his head to the side he nods towards the adjoining bathroom, "You will shower and then we will leave."

"I'm not leaving Abbey," I snap, "And I'm not going back."

"We won't go back - for now," Xavier cuts me off, narrowing his eyes at me, "Hurry up and do as I say, then I will tell you the rest."

"Tell me the rest now," I say it as firmly as possible. It was a test of wills as we both glared at one another and he slowly leans down until he is eye to eye with me and our noses are nearly touching. Without blinking he stares me down.

"Hurry up," he says slowly, "Turn. Around." He places his hands on my waist and spins me around to face the bathroom door. I can't fight his impossible strength.

His strong touch makes me shiver inside.

I quickly step forward and glare over my shoulder.

"Fine," I snap, hurrying into the bathroom to get away from him.

When I shut the door my face starts to heat up as a rush of blood I had been holding back fills my cheeks. His presence was too much to deal with. Xavier was different. More in control, authoritative and damn bossy.

I quickly go out to get clothes from my dresser before hurrying back into the bathroom. Luckily I don't have to deal with his annoying presence because he is near the windows looking out over the garden.

The thing about my mansion is it was located on the boundary of Evergreen Forest. I guess he was keeping a look out for any werewolves.

I have a quick shower and get dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and a grey top- but I don't have time to dry my hair so I leave the blonde strands to dry in the air.

When I walk out I face Xavier with new found confidence and my hands on my hips.

"Now tell me what the hell you have in mind!" I speak it as an order and he just raises one eyebrow at me. That one gesture almost destroys my confidence. Almost.

"We're going to see where your parents are sending out those human sacrifices," he grumbles low - just in case anyone outside my room may hear, "They are being sent out into the Evergreen Forest to wherever Eddrick is planning something. We're going to figure out what is going on."

"And then we are coming back for Abbey, please," I beg this part. I can't leave her.

"Ok," Xavier agrees, "We'll come back for your sister."

"How are we getting out?" I ask.

"Your father had the windows bolted shut while you slept," Xavier then smiles, "But that won't stop us. Follow me."

Bloody show off!

***I just fixed some mistakes then, sorry! Usually I'm more pedantic about editing. I am always learning heh!***

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