Chapter 14

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Caitlin's POV

It feels like forever as I lie hiding under Xavier's bed but in fact only ten or so minutes pass before it's all over. The lights soon flicker back on just as I hear gun shots reverberate throughout the palace - these are a second round of bullets as I heard a first round go off from a couple of minutes ago.

Now that the lights are on, I can finally crawl out from under the bed.

However just as I am about to, I hear the door slam open and I freeze - terrified that it is an infiltrator and that I was next to die.

Because people had died, I had covered my ears for most of it but I had heard the horrified screams from men and women who were attacked by the infiltrating thing.

"Caitlin!" Xavier calls out and a whole heap of stress suddenly leaves me, I can breathe and actually feel safe for once. I crawl out and Xavier rushes over, reaching down a hand, he lifts me up off the ground, "Are you hurt?" he asks in his familiar growly tone. I gasp when I look up and see blood splattered over his face and his arm has a large rip near the shoulder.

"N-no I'm fine, but you - what happened?" I blurt, tenderly reaching for his arm but he just grabs both my forearms in return and pulls me closer.

"Werewolves," he explains, "They were deformed by Eddrick. Many vampires are already dead but I'm immune to magic so I've already started to heal but I'm not healing fast enough," without even asking, he reaches out a hand and starts smoothing my hair back from my neck, exposing the left side. He tugs my hair a bit so I lean back and before I can protest he leans down and sinks his fangs into my neck - drinking my blood.

He isn't as gentle as he use to be - he's a bit rough but I guess he just survived a life and death situation and he needed extra sustenance.

He doesn't drink for long but he drinks quick, making me feel dizzy as he finally pulls out and licks the wound clean.

"I'm sorry," he quickly apologises although he doesn't sound too sincere.

"I feel sick," I whisper, trying to pull away from him. I watch with wide eyes, grossed out but fascinated at the same time as I watch his arm suddenly heal up right before my eyes - the gaps in the wound closing and healing completely, "You drank too fast."

"I don't have time, I need to get a witch into the palace to help find a way to heal Maximus and Isobel - they're on death row if not already there," he reaches up a hand to cup the side of my face, running his thumb gently along my high cheek bone, "I didn't mean to make you dizzy, and I'm glad you're safe. I need to go save some more lives," he explains, "The deformed werewolves are dead but the full extent of their damage has not been done yet."

"You should probably wash the blood off your face," I say, grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away from my face. I couldn't give into his kindness, not yet, "Go do what you have to do, is there anyway I can help?"

"Stay away from the King, stay right here," Xavier growls, annoyed I pushed his hand off my cheek, "Don't do anything and stay safe. Do as you're told."

Xavier turns away dramatically and goes into the bathroom to wash his face. Clearly I had pissed him off by pushing him away again, but I had every right to.

"We still need to save my sister," I remind him as he comes out of the bathroom.

"We'll discuss that later," he snaps.

"Eddrick might hurt her -"

"I said later," he growls low.

"She's in danger," I say as he stalks towards the exit, "I have to save her!"

"That's not a priority right now," Xavier snaps over his shoulder, walking out the door and closing it.

I wait for the sound of the lock to turn but there is no familiar click.

Xavier forgot to lock the door in his rush to help his friends.

And now I had an opportunity to help my sister.

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