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"No. 17, have you decided on your wish?" The grand priest asked, floating towards the black haired cyborg. 17 narrowed his eyes at this, then widened them when he noticed the glowing orange light.

"Those are...!" Gohan stares in disbelief at the planet sized orbs. "The Super Dragon Balls!" Goku finished, his lips curving into a smile. The Grand Priest raises his arms, his floating piece of land hovering towards the Super Dragon Balls.

"Hsiw ym em tnarg dna sdoG eht fo nogarD, htrof emoc, pretty peas!" The Grand Priest chants, causing the balls to crackle and shine, their light blinding.

17 looks up, his face showing an awestruck expression. In front of him was the god of dragons, Zalama. "Now, 17, please state your wish." The Grand Priest tells him.

17 stood there, not talking. Not moving. "What's wrong?" 18 asks from the stands. 17 didn't answer. "It can do anything." Zeno affirmed. "Grant anything." The other Zeno says as well. "What will it be?" They say together.

Android 17 looks at them, blinks, then looks up, meeting eyes with Goku. 17 gives him a reassuring smile, then turns to the dragon. "All the universe who have been erased. I'd like to bring them back, please." He wishes, causing gasps, angry shouts, and laughter to come from the audience.

"Are you sure?" Zeno asks. "Suuuuper sure?" The other one asks. "Hurry up. I have an island to protect." He ushers them. The Grand Priest warmly smiles at him, then turning to the dragon.

"Desare erew taht sesrevinu eht fo lla erotser esealp!" The Grand Priest says to the Dragon. Zalama's eyes glow red, then close. "Detnarg neeb sah hsiw ruoy." Zalama says, then disappearing and being shattered across the universes.

"Wh-what?! What happened" Champa exclaims as he's brought back. "Kale! We're alive! Alive, I tell you!" Caulifla shakes her sister. Cabba stands at the edge of the arena, smiling and shaking. "You kept your promise... Vegeta." He laughs. "Cabba!" Caulifla grabs him. "Help us train to SSJ3!" "N-now?!"

"Hm." Champa scoffs. "Don't except a thank you... brother." Gawasu stands and looks at the light of day, a smile on his face. 'See? Mortals can change. Zamasu.' He thinks of his previous apprentice.

Jiren looks at the view of a city in Universes 11, Toppo by his side. "So, Jiren?" He asks. "Goku said he wants to see me again. But, I don't think I can make connections with anyone."

"Jiren..." Toppo says. "Have you always been a coward?" "Wha-?" Jiren starts. "At the end, you stood up again and again. Don't you think we formed a connection for the first time then?" Toppo tells him.

"Toppo..." Jiren says, his voice filled with disbelief. "Next time, we'll get them." Toppo assures. "Heh." Jiren laughs, then clenches his fists. "I'll see you then, Son Goku."

"Bleh." Frieza rolls his eyes. "You think you could go ahead and send me back to hell?" Frieza asks the universe 7 fighters that had just landed beside him. "Hold on now, we still have a promise to uphold~" Whis says from behind Frieza, raising his staff and giving Frieza a poke.

Suddenly, all of Frieza's battle damage is erased, along with the halo on his head. "Wait, so... he's back now?!" Gohan yells. "Are you sure about this? I promise you I won't stop being evil." Frieza snickers at Whis.

"Well, if you do." Goku says, the fighters originally on Namek standing behind him. "We will stop you." Frieza smirks at this, a scoff coming out of his mouth. "We'll see about that."

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