Chapter One- Tournament

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Three Years Later

"Jeez, Broly, you sure have gotten strong!" Son Goku says to his fellow Saiyan as they walk outside the room of spirit and time."You too, Kakarot." Broly responds.

Awaiting the two were Cheelai, Lemo and, surprisingly, Whis and Shin, who were all playing a game that looked similar to poker. "Ah, looks like I win again~" Whis sings as he lays down three aces, giving Cheelai a dumbstruck expression and Lemo a facepalm.

"Oh, hey guys." Lemo says, recognizing that the two have come out of the chamber. "Took ya long enough!" Cheelai huffed as she stood out of her chair. "Boring game anyway." She rolled her eyes and walk up to Broly, one of her hands on her hip.

"Okay, big guy, time to go home." She pats him on the chest. Broly proceeds to pick her up along with Lemo, and promptly leap off of the lookout and fly away.

"Welp, it's best I get goin too." Goku starts to walk towards the edge as well. "Ahem." Whis clears his throat and stands from his chair to his feet. "I have a message for you, Goku." Whis walks to the saiyan and gestures for Kaio-Shin to speak.

"The Omni-kings have requested that I take you to their divine quarters." Shin informs. "Zeni's? I wonder what they want." Goku thinks aloud, then steps forward so that Kaio-Shin could transport them to Zeno's house.

Instantly, Goku, Whis and Shin are at the door of the Lord of Everything's palace. The Saiyan, being ever so ignorant, opens the door and walks in without knocking. "Yo, Zeni's!" Goku calls out as he enters. "Goku!" The Omni-kings chant together and fly towards Goku, circling him.

"We're boooooored!" They exclaim, each of the Zeno's grabbing onto one of Goku's arms. "Well, I just got done training, but I can fight someone if you want me too." Goku scratched the top of his head.

"Ooo! Yeah, yeah!" They say together, it being almost scary how in sync they were. "We wanna see you fight!" Goku chuckles nervously, a small sweat drop sliding down his cheek.

"Well, my lords," the Grand Priest seemingly comes from nowhere and lands beside them. "If you would like to send a fight, how about we set up another tournament?"

The Zeno's mouths widen and their eyes sparkle, while Shin's mouth fakes open, but quickly shuts as to not look rude to the Zeno's. "Yeah!" They yell and float into the air, flying around their temple. Goku feels sweat drip down his cheek.

'Another tournament?' Goku thinks. 'Last time, we barely won... but we've gotten a lot stronger! And we have new ally's! We can do this!' Goku punches his palm and smirks. "Alright, yeah!" Goku smiles and looks over at the Zeno's. "Alright, Zeni's, we can make it happen!"

"I suppose it's set then." The grand priest looks over at Goku. "Very well. We will call all of the universes Gods and Angels here, so stay put." The grand priest orders and taps his staff on the ground twice, sending off a notification to each of the Angels and Gods.

Soon enough, each Angel, God of Destruction, and Kai was standing in a long line, awaiting the Zeno's or Grand Priests instructions. "Say, Whis, aren't there only twelve universes?" Goku asks as he looks down the line, seeing nine on each side of the path.

"Yes, there is. I'm not sure what's going on." Whis furrows his brows in confusion, something Goku had never seen before. The Grand Priest lands and looks around.

"Ah." He smiles, his eyes seeming distant, like he was miles away from where he really was. "Welcome back, my children." Goku looks down the line and finally realizes what's happening.

'Bring them back. All the universes that were destroyed.' The words of 17 rung out in his head. 'Well, there used to be 18 universes, you know.' This time it was Whis's previous words, their two points connecting.

"Whis," Goku turns to him. "I realized to." Whis sighs. "I'm sure you're all very confused." The Grand Priest floats up. "The omni-kings have decided to hold another tournament of power. Because some of you are... new, I will explain all of the rules here."

The Grand Priest summoned a pedestal beneath him and took a seat. "Three years ago, the Lords of Everything's held a tournament between all 12 universes, which would result in all but one universes being destroyed. "However, the Victor of the previous universe, an android from universe seven, made a wish on the super dragon balls to bring back all universes. Instead of just bringing back the universes that were erased in the tournament, all of the previously destroyed universes were brought back."

Beerus looks down the line. 'Dammit, even Taiha's back.' He rolled his eyes, the said god of destruction he mentioned raising his middle finger.

"Anyways, in the tournament, it was an all out brawl between ten fighters from each universe. It lasted 100 taks, though looking at our increased numbers, I shall increase that number to 300 taks. To win, you must knock all other opponents out of the ring. There shall be no medicines or other healing products, using will result in immediate disqualification. Flight will not be allowed outside of natural abilities, as well as weapons. You will have two days to find all of your fighters. You are dismissed."

Suddenly, Goku was at Beerus's planet, along with Whis and said GoD. "Kakarot?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Vegeta says, whom had been training on the planet for the last few weeks. "Vegeta! There's gonna be another tournament!" Goku runs over to him.

"What?!" Vegeta yells. "Quickly, we have to get to Earth!" He grabs him and runs to Whis. "Take is home! We gotta get some fighters!" "Kakarot you idiot!"

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