{3.3} 𝙱𝚊𝚍 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝙰𝚝 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 3

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Sam rocks back and forth on the chair, bored stiff While Elena is On The Bed. Suddenly, the AC unit in the wall in front of Sam starts making a clunking, grinding sound. Smoke starts to pour out.

"Oh come on, I- I didn't- I wasn't..." Sam Says

"This Can't be good" Elena Says As Sam gets up and cautiously approaches the unit. The unit catches on fire. Sam grabs the comforter off one of the beds and attempts to put out the fire with it. When Sam thinks he's got it, he gets up, only to find his jacket sleeve is now on fire. Sam panics and Elena uses the curtain to put it out. The curtain rips and falls away, revealing Kubrick and Creedy staring in through the window. Sam falls back on Elena, knocking himself and Elena out on the floor. Kubrick smiles and looks to the sky in thanks.


Dean and Bela are engaged in a stand-off.

"You're gonna give it back." Dean Says

"Sweetie. No I'm not." Bela Says

"Yeah, we'll see. Bela, right?" Bela Says

"That's right. Dean." Bela Says

"You know the thing's cursed, don't you?" Dean Says

"You'd be surprised what some people would pay for something like that." Bela Says

"Really?" Dean Says

"There's a lucrative market out there. A lot of money to be made. You Hunters with all those amulets and talismans you use to stop those big bad monsters. Any one of them could put your children's children through college." Bela Says

"So you know the truth, about what's really going on out there, and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief?" Dean Asks

"I procure unique items for a select clientele." Bela Says

"Yeah. A thief." Dean Says

"No, a great thief." Bela Says


Creedy is restraining Sam to a chair with Duct Tape With Elena Next to him. Sam comes to.

"Oh, he's awake!" Creedy Says

"Back with us, eh?" Kubrick Asks

"We didn't even have to touch you. You just went all spastic, and knocked yourself and her out? It was like watching Jerry Lewis try to stack chairs!" Creedy Says

"Who are you, What do you wa-" Sam Asks
Then Kubrick snaps his fingers in Sam's face. Sam looks confused.

"I used to think your friend Gordon sent me." Kubrick Says

"Gordon? Oh come on!" Sam Says

"Ugh, Even From behind bars that son of a bitch still manages to annoy the hell outta me" Elena Says

"Yeah, because he asked me to track you down, and put a bullet in your brain." Kubrick Says

"Great. That sounds like him." Sam Says as he and Elena Share a look

"But, as it turns out ... I'm on a mission from God." Kubrick Says As He strikes Sam across the face.

"Oh Screw You Asshole" Elena Says Then Kubrick Proceeds to hit Elena in the face repeatedly

"You See I don't hit women, but I will not hesitate to hurt a bratty little Witch like you, Gordon told us about you said you got a mouth on ya" Kubrick Says as Creedy Smirks

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