{3.12} 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙸𝚗 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 2

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"And now I have two less to worry about." Henriksen Says As He looks at his watch and smiles, Mm. He taps his watch, It's surf and turf time.

Sam, Elena and Dean watch Henriksen leave. They both look stressed.


Agent Steven Groves comes inside the office and Henriksen holds out his hand.

"Steven!" Henriksen Says

"Gentlemen" Steven Says As He doesn't shake his hand but he hands Henriksen some files

"What's all this?" Henriksen Asks

"What can I say? The FBI didn't invent bureaucracy; we perfected it." Steven Says

"You want me to do all this now?" Henriksen Asks

"Sorry. Now, Victor." Steven Says As Nancy smiles, I'm gonna go take a good long gander at our fugitives."

Steven leaves Henriksen to finish the paperwork. Reidy gives Henriksen a pen and he starts to fill out the forms, annoyed.


Steven enters the holding cell area and closes the main door to the office area. Dean stands up and looks at Steven.

" Sam and Dean Winchester and Elena Singer. I'm Deputy Director Steven Groves. This is a pleasure." Steven Says

"Well, glad one of us feels that way." Dean Says

"I've been waiting a long time for you two to come out of the woodwork." Steven Says Then He points his gun and shoots Dean in his left shoulder, His blood sprays to the wall, Dean grunts and falls back, while Sam and Elena jumps up and grapples with Steven through the bars. Dean falls on the bed as Steven fires several more shots, narrowly missing Dean. Sam has a grip on Steven, holding his gun arm. His eyes turn black and Sam begins an exorcism in Latin, which causes Steven's head to whip from side to side.

"Sorry, I've gotta cut this short. It's gonna be a long night, fellas." Steven Says As Dean sits up, clutching his shoulder Elena Goes Near Him, as the demon leaves Steven's body, screaming, and the black smoke disappears into the ceiling air vent.


Henriksen and Reidy hear Steven's scream.

"What the hell was that?" Reidy Asks Then Both of them run to the cells.


Steven falls to the ground. Phil and Melvin enter, followed by Henriksen, who points his gun at Sam.

"All right, put the gun down!" Melvin Says

"Wait. Okay. Wait." Sam Says

"He shot him!" Melvin Says

"I didn't shoot him, okay. I didn't shoot anyone." Sam Says

"He shot me!" Dean Says

"Get on your knees, NOW!" Henriksen Says

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't shoot. Please. Look. Here. Here, he passes the gun through the bars, Look. We didn't shoot him" Sam Says

"Check the body. There's no blood. We did not kill him. Go ahead, check him." Elena Says As Reidy checks Steven's body.

"Vic, there's no bullet wound." Reidy Says

"He's probably been dead for months." Dean says

"What did you do to him?" Henriksen Asks

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